Evaluation of decay data of ~(213)Bi

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daxiang11
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213Bi disintegrates (97.91±0.03) % by β-emission to the levels in 213Po, and (2.09±0.03) % through α decay to 209Tl. The evaluation of the complete decay scheme and data of 213Bi including the recent new measurements are presented in this report. The Limitation of Relative Statistical Weight Method (LWM) was applied to average numbers throughout the evaluation. The uncertainty assigned to the average value was always greater than or equal to the smallest uncertainty of the values used to calculate the average. The half-life is determined to be 45.59±0.06 minutes. All known measured gamma-ray relative emission probabilities have been examined. And the gamma-ray emission probability of the reference γ line of 440.44keV is recommended to be (26.1±0.3) %. The calculated internal conversion coefficients and their uncertainties have been used to obtain the complete decay intensity balance. The other decay characteristics are calculated using the ENSDF analysis program. Finally the new 213Bi decay scheme was re-built. 213Bi disintegrates (97.91 ± 0.03)% by β-emission to the levels in 213Po, and (2.09 ± 0.03)% through α decay to 209Tl. The evaluation of the complete decay scheme and data of 213Bi including the recent new measurements are presented in this report. The Limitation of Relative Statistical Weight Method (LWM) was applied to an average number throughout the evaluation. The uncertainty assigned the the average value was always greater than or equal to the smallest uncertainty of the values ​​used to calculate the average. The half The known gamma-ray emission probability of the reference γ line of 440.44keV is recommended to be (26.1 ± 0.3)%. The calculated internal conversion coefficients and their uncertainties have been used to obtain the complete decay intensity balance. The other decay characteristics are calculated using the ENSDF analysis program. Finally the new 213Bi decay scheme was re-built.
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