Treatment of scoliosis associated Marfan' s syndrome in children

来源 :China Medical Abstracts | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xsw2233
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Objective To discuss the principle of treatment for scoliosis associated Marfan’ s syndrome in children. Methods Thirty cases of scoliosis associated Marfan’ s syndrome were corrected and followed-up. Thirteen patients underwent posterior fusion whereas 17 cases received anterior release and posterior correction. Among the 30 patients,20 were previously treated with brace and other conservative methods. The results were analyzed using apex vertebral translation (AVT), apex vertebral rotation (AYR),Cobb’s angle,trunk shift (TS).and pre-and post-operative body heights. Results Posterior approach resulted in more complications. Wider range anterior fusion combined with posterior correction improved the result. Conclusion Anterior release combined with posterior correction is the perferred treatment of scoliosis associated Marfan’ s syndrome. 11 refs,1 tab. Objective To discuss the principle of treatment for scoliosis associated Marfan’s syndrome in children. Methods Thirty cases of scoliosis associated Marfan’s syndrome were corrected and followed-up. Thirteen patients underwent posterior fusion 17 cases were anterior release and posterior correction. the 30 were previously treated with brace and other conservative methods. The results were analyzed using apex vertebral translation (AVT), apex vertebral rotation (AYR), Cobb’s angle, trunk shift (TS) .and pre-and post-operative Body heights. Results Posterior approach resulted due in more complications. Wider range anterior fusion combined with posterior correction improved the result. Conclusion Anterior release combined with posterior correction is the perferred treatment of scoliosis associated Marfan’s syndrome. 11 refs, 1 tab.
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