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当职业仍然是作为人类的谋生手段而存在的时候,教教育教学的目的就不得不为学生的将来做打算,于是教育改革就提到了议事日程之上。本文作者利用自身的深切体验,总结了当前法律类高职院校案例教学课程改革的经验和教训,并从改革课程体系、打造名师队伍、精心编写教材、构建“教师讲解、案例演示(回放)、小组研究、课堂实践、回归提高”五位一体的立体化专业教学模式等方面,提出了完善法律类职业院校实例教学课程完善的建议 While occupation continues to exist as a means of livelihood for humankind, education and teaching aims at the future of the student, and education reform refers to the agenda. The author uses his own deep experience to summarize the experience and lessons learned from case teaching curriculum reform in current vocational colleges. From the reform of the curriculum system, the team of masters is made to elaborate teaching materials and build a “teacher’s explanation and case presentation ), Group study, practice in class, return to improve ”five-in-one three-dimensional professional teaching mode and so on, put forward suggestions to improve the law teaching practice in vocational colleges
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案例:  刘兵大学毕业后留在北京某公司工作,巨大的竞争压力,让他做梦都想考回家乡去。公务员考试、事业单位考试,每一次的结果都令他失望。年龄越来越大,男大当婚,年迈的父母催得急,刘兵不得不开始考虑自己的婚姻大事。  徐莹出现在刘兵眼前时,他觉得这就是自己想要的姑娘。有了女友,刘兵的生活变得丰富多彩,考试的愿望慢慢淡了下来,他开始准备存钱,打算在这个繁华的城市里安个家。  不久,老家新一轮的事业单位招
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