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大多数农村初中生之所以学不好英语,与学生的基础有很大的关系。由于学生不大声读英语、不大声背诵英语课文,导致已经学过的单词、短语记不得,不会读;一些学生想学好英语,可是学生连单词也不会读,识记的单词太少,学生对学好英语感到迷茫,逐渐丧失学习英语的信心,最后是不了了之地放弃了。还有一些学生因为曾经在学习英语的过程中,出现失误却被同学嘲笑,甚至是老师尖刻的语言刺伤批评,从此失去自信。所以,当学生出现 The reason why most rural junior high school students can not learn English well has a great relationship with the students’ foundation. As students do not read English loudly and do not recite English text aloud, leading to words that have been learned, the phrase can not remember, will not read; some students want to learn English, but the students will not read the words, too few words, Students feel confused about learning English, gradually losing confidence in learning English, and finally gave up. There are still some students because of the process of learning English, mistakes were ridiculed by their classmates, and even the teacher’s sharp language stab criticism, from losing confidence. So when the students appear
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现代家庭多数以石材和木地板为主要地面装饰材料,也有少部分仍对曾风靡一时的地毯情有独钟。不同地面装饰材料,清洁方式也完全不同。 Most modern families to stone and wo