
来源 :中国卫生经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quantity22
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为期1个月的第二次国家卫生服务调查于6月底结束。这是经国家统计局批准,由卫生部负责开展的全国范围的调查。“第二次国家卫生服务调查” 是在认真总结1993年首次国家卫生服务调查经验,保持调查连续性和可比性的基础上,围绕卫生改革和发展的目标和重点,通过住户居民健康询问调查和卫生机构调查,对全国城乡及不同类型地区居民健康水平、卫生服务的需要和需求量、医疗保障制度改革、医疗保健费用、卫生服务资源及其利用效率进行了深入了解和系统分析,探讨在社会主义市场经济条件下卫生服务供需之间的特点及其影响,预 The one-month second national health service survey ended at the end of June. This is a nationwide survey approved by the National Bureau of Statistics and conducted by the Ministry of Health. The “Second National Health Service Survey” is a concise summary of the first national health service survey experience in 1993, based on the continuity and comparability of surveys, and focused on the goals and priorities of health reform and development, through the survey of household residents’ health inquiries and The investigation of health institutions conducted in-depth understanding and systematic analysis of the health level, needs and demand of health services, health care system reform, health care costs, health service resources, and utilization efficiency of residents in urban and rural areas and in different types of areas throughout the country. The characteristics and impacts of supply and demand of health services under the conditions of a market economy
现代人际场中,人与人的关系复杂而微妙,若没有高超的待人接物技巧,则很难在自己的生存空间中左右逢源,游刃有余。 In the modern interpersonal relationship, the relatio
口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗 ( OPV)是全球消灭脊髓灰质炎的主要手段。有经验显示Sabin疫苗病毒在 Vero细胞中培养的毒力回复突变比在原代猴肾细胞中培养的高。本研究以聚合酶链反应
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