主副并举 减人增效

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天津市静海县电力局实施供电区域化管理,实行“一套人马,两个牌子,主副业分开,财务两本帐”的办法,适应了市场经济的发展规律.一是打破了站、所分离的人员编制体制.在保证正常电力生产和变电运行的前提下,把精减下来的人员用于开发第三产业,达到了减员增效的目的.二是打破了闭关自守的管理方式,聘请社会上的能人参与三产经营,采取股份制的形式办企业,形成债权和债务相对独立的经济实体.安置了富余职工及子女,为富余职工提供了二次就业的机会.王口电管所通过实行供电区域化管理,建立了与局业务对口的五组一室,强化了供用电管理.有一 The Jinghai County Electric Power Bureau of Tianjin implemented the regionalized management of power supply, and implemented the method of “a set of personnel, two brands, separation of main and subsidiary businesses, and two financial accounts” to adapt to the development laws of the market economy. First, it broke the station and separated it. Staffing system. Under the premise of guaranteeing the normal power production and substation operation, the reduced personnel are used for the development of the tertiary industry, which has achieved the goal of reduction in staff and efficiency. The second is to break the self-contained management approach and hire the society. The able people involved in the three-production management, the joint-stock system to form the enterprise, formed an economic entity with independent creditor’s rights and debts, resettled redundant employees and children, and provided redundant employment opportunities for secondary employees. Wangkou Electric Power passed Implemented regionalized management of power supply, established a set of five offices with counterparts in the business, and strengthened the management of electricity supply.
我们江西省石城县横江镇水利电力管理站,在镇政府和县局的支持下,于去年借贷整改工程费15.28万.元,对圩镇与友联村的供用 Our Hengjiang Town Water Conservancy and Power
时值农忙,我们农村电工又要面临管电和田间劳动两重任务,但越是忙越要注意忙中不出错.在过去的几年里,我曾遇到了几起不该发生的事故,这里说给 At a time when farmers are
我是一名农村电工,干农电工已10个春秋.这10个春秋,最使我头痛的是收缴电费.每到月头,我总是抱着抄表本,挨家串户,不是张家没人,就是李家没钱,一串就是 I am a rural electr