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  They were a happy family: four Pogue daughters all in the same school in different grades. They were talented1 and friendly girls. The youngest, Janice, who was in my class, seemed to be glued2 to her mother’s skirts. The three older girls took the bus to school every morning and gaily3 rushed to their classrooms, but Janice was always driven to school by her mother, arriving just in time for the kindergarten morning song. Her mother usually stayed around until Janice seemed to be content and was in-volved in some activity and then she would tip-toe out. But she would return in time to take Janice home.
   One Friday, Janice’s mother called and asked for a conference4 with me. She entered in an agitated5 and fragile6 way. She almost seemed to wring her hands in distress7. She said in a too-soft voice, “My husband is going to Europe on business for two weeks and he insists that I go with him. I have tried to explain over and over that Janice needs me here. But he is equally adamant8 that she will be fine without me, so I have no choice; I have to go. I have told the babysitter that she is to drive her every morning and watch her until she is settled into the class-room. She has explicit9 instructions about picking her up and getting to school early so Janice won’t worry. Will you please give Janice special atten-tion and help her during this time of our separation? We have never been apart a single day since she was born five years ago. She is so young and fragile and I want to be sure everything goes well for her.”
   She stopped for a quick breath, but I stepped in and assured her that we would make every effort to support Janice and see that she was happy and healthy while her mother was away. I even volun-teered to meet Janice at her car so she would see a familiar face. Janice’s mother thanked me for our understanding and reassurance. As she left we talked about the logistics of watching for Janice and agreed that it would present some extra effort on my part but was worth the time it might take.
   Monday morning, anticipating10 a tearful anx-ious child, I planned a special program of fun and games. I waited outside to greet Janice, but just then the bus arrived and not three, but four Pogue girls got off of it. Janice skipped along joyfully, yelling “good bye” to her sisters as she ran with two friends into the classroom. I walked slowly into the class-room and called Janice over to ask how the bus ride went. Impatiently she said, “Oh, I always wanted to take the bus with the other kids, but Mother needs to be with me. You see there won’t be any more ba-bies and so I have to be a baby a little longer. While she is away, I’ll just ride the bus every day. I am five, you know.”

  秋影 摘译自Children
夏日午后,游人如梭,城门下,突然走来一个男孩。他将手中的单簧管握起来,放到唇边,停顿片刻之后,头一点,便吹奏起来。  他打开琴盒,放置在地上,等待人们走过之后,扔下几枚硬币。事实上,几分钟之后,真的有人过来,驻足,观看,留下两三枚硬币后离开。  这个男孩看上去十岁左右,长得眉清目秀。他的衣服极其干净整齐,他的举止也非常得体,看得出来,他是在富裕的环境中长大的。那么,他到城门下来吹单簧,不是真的为了
七岁那年,爸爸要我到花园里给他帮忙。我干得很卖力,爸爸重奖了我,他给了我一个吻,还说:“谢谢你,儿子,你干得很不错!”这是我记事以来受到的第一次赞扬。它让我感到高兴和自豪。几十年过去了,爸爸的话依然在我耳边回荡。  1953年,我为德意志留声机公司录制了我的第一张管弦乐唱片。当时我弹奏的是李斯特的两支钢琴协奏曲,为我伴奏的是世界上最好的交响乐团之一———柏林交响乐团。第一支协奏曲我童年时就非常熟悉
When I walked out of the classroom, it was already 10 pm. Suddenly, I found it was raining heavily outside. I bet few people could predict it. However, almost everyone hadan umbrella and people around
1    The Louvre Museum is working on adding its entire art collection to its web-site so that anyone can view its works without going to the museum in Paris.  巴黎的卢浮宫博物馆正在努力把馆内全部艺术收藏都搬上自己的网站,这样人们不用去博物馆
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