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策划选题之际,新的一年正昂首向我们走来。我们认真地思索着:在这个辞旧迎新的时刻,该给涉世之初的朋友们准备怎样的文化盛宴? 100年前,在梁启超的海船上复活的梦想惊醒了我们——“纵有千古,横有八荒,前途似海,来日方长,壮哉,我少年中国。”我们执著地认为,如今的涉世青年正抒发才智,以新时代拓荒者的身份复兴“少年中国”。中华民族,也正以大视野记录着刚刚铸就的历史。正如许多人已经意识到的,我们所处的时代酝酿且发生着前所未有的急剧变革。犹在2005年度,诸多新人新事新现象让我们感受至深:一场真正顺应普通人的娱乐制造,可以催生奇迹,可以影响潮流;一度被认为虚拟化的网络,正不断向现实渗透,不断更新我们的思维; 一个个创造各类社会财富的精英,越来越具有影响力, 也越来越年轻……初入社会和即将投身社会的青年朋友,在欣赏眼前风景、品读一己生活之外,常怀有广阔视野与博大胸怀。而那些成长在远方、茁壮在别处的如画景致和精彩故事,不仅可看在眼、可听在耳,更将蓬勃于心。我们能做的,就是以青春的视觉,将2005年度的魅力人物、震撼事件、新新风尚等,逐一盘点,来润泽明天成长且奋斗着的涉世脚步。让我们谨以这份年度奉献,共同见证2005! When planning a topic, the new year is approaching us. We seriously pondered: what kind of cultural feast should we give our friends at the beginning of the world to this new era? 100 years ago, the dream of resurrection in Liang Qichao’s ship awoke us - There are eight barren lands, and the future looks like a sea. The Japanese side is long and Zhuangzai, and I am a young Chinese. “We are determined to think that today’s worldly youth are expressing their wisdom and reviving” China Youth "as a pioneer in the new era. The Chinese nation is also recording the history that has just been cast with great vision. As many have realized, the times we live in are brewing and there has been unprecedented and drastic changes. Still in 2005, many new and exciting new things make us feel deeply: a truly true to the entertainment of ordinary people can produce miracles, can affect the trend; once considered virtual network, is constantly infiltrating into the reality, constantly Update our thinking; one by one to create all kinds of social wealth of the elite, more and more influential, more and more young ... Into the community and is about to join the community of young friends, enjoy the immediate scenery, reading life outside , Often with a broad vision and broad minded. And those picturesque scenes and wonderful stories that grow up in the distance and thrive elsewhere can not only be seen in the eyes, they can be heard in the ears, but they will flourish in the heart. What we can do is to make every effort to grow and struggle tomorrow with the youthful vision of enchanting the charms, shocking events and new trends in 2005. Let us hereby dedicate this year to witness 2005!
临床上许多生长激素(GH)缺乏病人可能与生长激素释放激素(GHRH)的合成或分泌障碍有关。人工合成的 GHRH_(1~40)可以选择性地刺激正常人及特发性 GH 缺乏病人的 GH 分泌。又因
作者对60例各种胸膜炎病人的血清和胸液乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)及其同功酶(ISO-LDH)进行了定量测定,并分析胸液中主要的血细胞(红细胞、中性多核和单核细胞),以明确胸液 LDH 的意义