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首都机场离港系统突然宕机,备份系统形同虚设,管理人员疏导不利,最终数百架航班被迫延迟,数万旅客滞留机场,当信息系统的偶然故障与民航机场积存的长期问题不期而遇,首都国际机场终于经历了新世纪以来最为严重的运营危机。民航机构把当日的意外称为“非计划停机”,媒体认为那场事故是“机场瘫痪”,广大旅客感受到的是服务与管理的空前混乱,回头看来,这都可以说成是机场运营隐患的总爆发。 数万名被迫滞留的旅客成了最直接的受害者,流年不利的中国航空顿时成了万夫所指的对象,而在关键时刻不那么提气的机场离港系统则成了这场空前大乱的始作俑者。然而,问题远远不是表面上看来那么简单。 民航、航空公司与机场条块分割,机场建设了离港系统却没有获得使用权,各家航空公司租用了离港平台却没有维护责任,而系统的维护企业与系统提供商在市场上却正处于竞争关系。正是这种种权利与义务的断层,责任与利益的分离导致了离港系统被机场数据库隔绝孤立,前端操作系统与后端平台冲突不断,事故发生,机场管理人员竟然比茫然无措的旅客多掌握不了多少信息。 透过民航系统条块分割、机场与航空公司的利益纠葛、系统提供商与系统维护商的竞合关系、硬件与软件的技术纠缠所散发的重重迷雾,人们不禁为民航系统的安全意识大? Capital Airport Departure System Suddenly Downtime, Backup System Laxative, Management Facilitates Disadvantage, Eventually Hundreds of Airline Delays Delayed, Tens of thousands of Travelers Stranded in Airport, Occasionally Malfunctions of Information Systems and Civil Aviation Airport Stored Long-Term Problems Unexpectedly Encountered , Capital International Airport has finally experienced the most serious operation crisis since the new century. Civil aviation agencies referred to the accident of the day as “unplanned shutdown”. The media considered the accident “paralyzed by the airport.” The vast majority of passengers felt the unprecedented chaos in service and management. Looking back, this can be said to be an airport operation The total outbreak of danger. Tens of thousands of passengers who were forcibly detained became the most immediate victims. As a result, the unfavorable China Airlines suddenly became the target of Wan Fu, while the airport departure system, which was not inflated at a crucial time, became an unprecedented one The chaos initiator. However, the problem is far from simple on the surface. Civil aviation, airlines and airports segmented, the airport built the departure system but did not get the right to use, each airline rented the departure platform without maintenance responsibility, and system maintenance companies and system providers in the market are positive In a competitive relationship. It is precisely this kind of fault of rights and obligations, the separation of responsibilities and interests that lead to the departure system is isolated and isolated from the airport database, the front-end operating system conflicts with the back-end platform constantly, the accident occurred, the airport managers unexpectedly more than the loss of passengers Can not grasp how much information. People can not help but think about the safety awareness of the civil aviation system through the division of the civil aviation system, the entanglement of interests between the airport and the airlines, the competing relationship between the system providers and the system maintenance trader, and the heavy fog emanating from the technical entanglement of hardware and software.
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原材料收集困难.运输及储存成本过高、加工能耗大、产品发热量低……都制约了这个产业发展壮大。生物质燃料产业化进程注定是一条坎坷之路。 Difficulties in collecting ra