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探究性学习是当前课改的热点,也是贯彻语文课程标准的一个难点,它倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,培养学生主动探究,团结合作,勇于创新的精神,注意为学生设计体验性和研究性专题,逐步培养学生探究性阅读和创造性阅读的能力。当前把探究性学习作为改革的突破口,具有深远的历史意义,但不少教师仍存在种种疑虑,担心这样的“探究”会影响考试成绩;于是,他们让学生一遍遍地写字词,抄答案,对于课后练习更是极为重视,课文讲解时强调,课后总结时圈点,更有甚者,让学生死记硬背答案——这样不仅加重了学生的学习负担,影响了学习效果,而且扼杀了学生学语文的兴趣,阻碍学生理解力、欣赏力的提高。本人在长期的教学实践中,总结出一些方法:一、精心导入,善于激疑亚里士多德说过:“思维自疑问和惊奇开始。”因此,在新课的导入设计上,教师要精心构思,善于激疑,以激发学生强烈的求知 Inquiry learning is a hot spot in curricular reform and also a difficult point in carrying out the standard of Chinese curriculums. It advocates autonomous, cooperative and exploratory learning styles, cultivates students ’active exploration, unity and cooperation, and brave in innovation. Attention should be paid to designing students’ experiences and Research topics, and gradually develop students’ ability to explore reading and creative reading. At present, exploratory learning as a breakthrough point in the reform has far-reaching historical significance. However, many teachers still have various doubts and fears that such “inquiry” will affect test scores; thus, they allow students to write words over and over again The answer is more emphasis on after-class practice, emphasizing the text when explaining, after-school summary points, even worse, let the students rote - This not only aggravates the student’s learning burden, affecting the learning effect, and Stifle students ’interest in learning Chinese, hinder students’ comprehension and appreciation. I am in the long-term teaching practice, summed up a number of ways: First, carefully imported, be good at the suspicion Aristotle said: “Thinking since the suspect and surprise.” Therefore, the introduction of the new lesson design, Teachers should be well conceived, good at doubt, in order to stimulate students’ strong knowledge
我是一个来自偏远农村的孩子,父亲在我4岁时不幸病重身亡。母亲常年在外,为了多挣点钱供我和哥哥读书,已经有5年没回家了。我和哥哥一直由爷爷抚养,爷爷将近70岁了,常年患病在身,满头的白发和额上一层层的皱纹,以及弯曲的背在诉说着爷爷历经的沧桑。  两年前,哥哥以优异的成绩考上了县里的高中,我也考上了县里的中学。拿到录取通知书的那天,我哭了,哭得歇斯底里。不为别的,当时自己清楚地知道,我不可能去县城读书
据俄新社2009年3月19日报道,一位海军高级军官周四表示,俄罗斯海军将在2009年进行至少3次新型“布拉瓦”海基弹道导弹的发射试验。 According to the Russian news agency r
AIM:To investigate the effect of Simotang(Decoction of Four Powered Drugs) on gastrointestinal motility,motilin and cholecystokinin expression in chronically st
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1 Ten Episodes in China’s Diplomacy《外交十记》Author:Qian Qichen Publisher:HarperCollins Qian Qichen played a direct role in some of the most dramatic moments
在模拟自然阅读模式下,研究了被试选择性注意结构不同字符时的事件相关脑电位,直接提取出了与选择注意相关的较早内源性成分;并确定了P300是代表大脑紧张后的松懈行为 Under simula