云岭春来早 花飞世博园——世界园艺博览园巡礼

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云岭的春天来得特别早。才二月,位于昆明市北郊凤鸣山金殿名胜风景区的世博园,早已绿树成荫,芳草遍地,百花吐艳,繁花似锦。今年春节期间的世博园门外,大红灯笼高挂,五彩气球飘飞,到处呈现出一派欢乐吉祥的喜庆气氛。世博园里更是鲜花似海,游人如潮,景象十分热烈壮观。春城的市民及来自全省、全国各地的游客,人人满怀新春的喜悦,个个绽出灿烂的笑容,或三三两两,或 Yunling came early in the spring. In February, the Expo Garden, located in the famous scenic area of ​​Fengjing Mountain in the northern suburbs of Kunming, has long been tree-lined, with grass everywhere, flowers blossoming and blooming. Outside the Expo Park during the Spring Festival this year, red lanterns hung high, colorful balloons fluttered, and a happy and auspicious festive atmosphere was displayed everywhere. In the Expo Garden, flowers are like the sea. Visitors are in the mood and the scene is very spectacular. The citizens of Chuncheng and the tourists from across the province and across the country are full of joy in the New Year. Everyone is smiling brightly, or in twos and threes, or
Tile Bamboo Garden is one of the six-theme gardens to be displayed at the site of EXPO’ 99. Yunnan bas a rich variety of bamboo species and is the home and th
今年春节过后,人们谈论最多的就是,到世博园去了吗? 世博园试运行了半个多月,共接待游客60万人次,恢弘的气势、丰富的植物和五彩缤纷的鲜花、造型颖而富有文化特色的建筑给
The Greenhouse covers an area of 3630 square meters. The height of the construction is as high as 22.25 metes. It takes a peculiar and vivid architec tural des
一度围绕 B2B 电子商务的兴奋消失了,在狂潮退去的“沫”路上,倒下的.com 公司随处可见。这并不意味着新信息和通讯技术带给公司变化的终结。但从现在起,变化将主要发生在成
China ’99 World Horticultural Exposition in Kunming is the first world exposition ever held by the Chinese government. Since December 1996, initial results ha