Nutrient Cycling and Balance in Red Soil Agroecosystem and Their Management

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zuguangle
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An experiment was conducted in a red soil derived from Quaternary red clay in the Ecological ExperimentStation of Red Soil, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, located in Yingtan (28° 15′ 30″ N, 116° 55′ 30″E), Jiangxi Province. The results show that the major ways of nutrient loss are leaching and nitrogenvolatilization. Rationalizing crop distribution, stimulating nutrient recycling, and improving internal nutrientflow are effective measures to decrease nutrient loss and to promote nutrient utilization efficiency. Theimportant ways of regulating nutrient cycling and balance in the agroecosystem of the red soil are to establishoptimal eco-agricultural models, practice balanced fertilization and combine the cropping system with thelivestock system. An experiment was conducted in a red soil derived from Quaternary red clay in the Ecological Experiment Station of Red Soil, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, located in Yingtan (28 ° 15 ’30 “N, 116 ° 55’ 30” E), Jiangxi Province . The results show that the major ways of nutrient loss are leaching and nitrogenvolatilization. Rationalizing crop distribution, stimulating nutrient recycling, and improving internal nutrientflow are effective measures to reduce nutrient loss and to promote nutrient utilization efficiency. Theimportant ways of maintaining water cycling and balance in the agroecosystem of the red soil are to establish optimal eco-agricultural models, practice balanced fertilization and combine the cropping system with thelivestock system.
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