
来源 :商业故事 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sven1989
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俗话说,林子大了,什么鸟都有,何况千姿百态、险象环生的商场,随着竞争的逐渐激烈,众多名目纷杂的骗局,也如雨后春笋,相继在大江南北遍地开花。除了大案频发的招商加盟外,销售骗局、投资骗局、外贸骗局是波诡云谲的商海中屡见不鲜的诈骗陷阱……从最早的单人行骗到团队作业,从早期无视法律到专门利用人们法律意识淡薄投机取巧,从普通街边地摊到高档写字楼,可以说,骗子匆忙而狡猾的踪迹已随处可见。如今,骗术愈加诡异,维权之路艰难而又辛酸无比,面对种类繁杂、甚至闻所未闻的骗局,人们不禁皆如惊弓之鸟。经过多日调查,本刊编辑完成此次专题策划,愿广大读者读罢此文,在震撼之后受到启迪。 As the saying goes, the woods are big, what birds have, not to mention the varied and perilous shopping malls, with the increasingly fierce competition, many miscellaneous scams, also springing up, have blossomed in the north and south. In addition to large-scale cases of frequent investment joining, sales scams, investment scams, and foreign trade scams are among the most common fraud traps in the commercial seas... From the earliest single-line fraud to teamwork, from early disregard for the law to specialized use. People’s legal awareness is very light and opportunistic. From ordinary streets to high-end office buildings, it can be said that the sight of swindlers and rampant swindlers can be seen everywhere. Nowadays, deception is becoming more and more bizarre, and the road to human rights protection is difficult and bitterly unpleasant. Faced with a variety of scams and even unheard of scams, people can not help but be frightened. After several days of investigation, the editors of this journal have completed the project planning. They are willing to read this article and are enlightened after the shock.
非谓语动词(包括其短语,下同)有三种形式,而每一种非谓语动词都有其相应的否定式.在通常情况下,构成非谓语动词的否定式,就要使用否定词. 下面分别讨论各种非谓语动词的否定
Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) (omitted) part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) (omitted) Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes) Direc
浙江温岭一个坐在轮椅上的残疾女孩,能把一双双普通的袜子变成一个个逗人喜爱的玩偶娃娃。这些袜子娃娃不仅卖到全国各地,还卖到了国外。  出生于1981年的温岭女孩陈立原是广播电台的音乐节目业余主持人。她曾患小儿麻痹症,一直靠轮椅行走。  2006年下半年的一天,一位刚从日本回来的朋友送给陈立一本杂志,杂志上有许多用袜子或手套做娃娃的图片。陈立非常喜欢杂志上的这些娃娃。她的男朋友说:“这本书上的娃娃好漂
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