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目的了解平武县疟疾流行概况与防治历程,总结评估平武县消除疟疾工作,为其他地区实施消除疟疾行动计划及开展评估工作提供参考和依据。方法对平武县1950—2015年疟疾防治疫情数据、报表、文件、工作计划、防治策略与措施等资料进行描述性分析和总结,根据国家卫生计生委《消除疟疾考核评估方案(2014年版)》,对平武县消除疟疾工作进行评估。结果疟疾曾是危害平武县人民健康最为严重的地方性寄生虫病,1963年发病率高达1 778.74/10万,防治工作经历4个阶段,于1988年达到基本消灭疟疾标准。消除疟疾阶段(2010—2015年)平武县建立多部门联防联控工作机制,经费保障到位,按《四川省消除疟疾实施方案》要求开展消除和巩固工作,乡镇卫生院及以上医疗机构均有专人负责疟防工作,疟原虫血检人数5 521人,2015年血检数达到总人口6.5‰以上,血片复核率为10.0%,年报告发病率均控制在2.18/10万以下,发生的7例输入疫情均及时有效控制。媒介监测发现本地主要传疟媒介为中华按蚊。结论平武县经过多年疟疾防治,连续保持27年无本地疟疾病例,达到消除疟疾标准。巩固工作重点是加强输入性病例监测。 Objective To understand the general situation of malaria and its prevention and cure in Pingwu County, summarize and evaluate the malaria elimination work in Pingwu County, and provide reference and basis for the implementation of malaria elimination plan and assessment in other areas. Methods Descriptive analysis and summary of the malaria epidemic situation data, reports, documents, work plans, prevention and control strategies and measures from 1950 to 2015 in Pingwu County were carried out. According to the National Health and Family Planning Commission’s “Eradicating Malaria Assessment and Assessment Program (2014 Edition)”, , To assess the work of eliminating malaria in Pingwu County. Results Malaria was the most endemic parasitic disease endangering the people in Pingwu County. The incidence was as high as 1778.74 / 100000 in 1963. The prevention and treatment work went through 4 stages. In 1988, the standard of malaria elimination was basically achieved. Elimination of malaria (2010-2015) Pingwu County to establish multi-sectoral joint prevention and control work mechanism, funding support in place, according to "Sichuan Province to implement the program to eliminate malaria elimination and consolidation required to carry out work, township hospitals and above medical institutions have Personnel responsible for malaria prevention work, the number of blood samples of 5 521 malaria parasite, blood tests in 2015 to reach the total population of 6.5 ‰ above, blood film review rate was 10.0%, the annual report of morbidity was controlled below 2.18 / 100 000, occurred Seven cases of imported epidemic were effectively controlled. The media surveillance found that the main local malaria vector was An. Sinensis. Conclusion After many years of malaria control in Pingwu County, there have been no cases of local malaria cases in 27 consecutive years and the malaria elimination standard has been reached. Consolidation efforts will focus on monitoring of imported cases.
为提高菜油的营养价值和菜籽饼粕的利用价值 ,推广种植双低油菜 (芥酸含量 5 % ,硫甙含量 30 μmol g)势在必行 ,但对这方面的研究尚少。据此 ,2 0 0 0年秋 ,我县农技中心试验站
目的 通过研究江门地区505例葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶(glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase,G6PD)基因受检者的主要突变类型,及其分布特点,为该病在江门地区的诊断及预防提供实验