
来源 :中华少年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dota_dk
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探究式教学活动的主要目标就是为了培养学生良好的探究能力,使学生通过教师的指导来对相关的数学问题进行探索,最终让学生具备良好的科学探究精神。当前新课改在倡导一种“自主、探究、合作”的课程理念,探究式教学活动完全符合新课改的理念,它已经在课堂教学中被广大的教师们广泛的运用,然而数学课堂探究活动的效果却不是很理想。在目前新课改的背景下,怎样使初中数学课堂探究活动的有效性得以提高,怎样来设计好探究式活动?怎样来高效的开展探究活动?本文首先分析了当前影响初中数学探究活动的主要原因,而后从三个方面对初中数学探究活动中的有效性策略进行了分析和探讨,以期为初中数学教学的有效性开展提供有建设性的参考。 The main objective of inquiry-based teaching activities is to train students’ good inquiry ability, enable students to explore relevant mathematical problems through the guidance of teachers, and finally to provide students with a good spirit of scientific inquiry. The current new curriculum reform advocates a “autonomous, inquiry, cooperation” concept of the curriculum, inquiry teaching activities in full compliance with the new curriculum reform concept, it has been widely used in the classroom teaching by the majority of teachers, but mathematics The effect of classroom exploration activities is not very satisfactory. In the current context of the new curriculum reform, how to improve the effectiveness of junior high school math classroom inquiry activities, how to design inquiry activities and how to carry out inquiry activities effectively? This paper first analyzes the current main impact of junior high school mathematics inquiry activities Then, the author analyzes and discusses the validity strategies of junior high school math inquiry activities from three aspects in order to provide a constructive reference for the effectiveness of junior high school math teaching.
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