既盼放开 又望管好——常德市30家企业厂长谈价格改革

来源 :价格月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoshang
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随着计划经济的逐步弱化,国家对产品价格的控制程度将会越来越低,企业定价自主权将会进一步扩大。在这场变革即将全面到来之际,作为企业法人代表的厂长是怎样面对的呢?对此,湖南省城调队对常德市32家企业厂长用问卷进行了调查。有30家企业厂长及时予以了回答,问卷回收率为94%。在这30家企业中,大型企业3家,中型企业13家,小型企业14家;其中全民企业28家,集体企业2家;其中盈利企业18家,亏损企业11家,保本企业1家。所发问卷向厂长们提出了19个关于价格改革的问题。归纳为以下五个方面: With the gradual weakening of the planned economy, the state will have less and less control over product prices and the pricing power of enterprises will be further expanded. In the near future of this revolution is coming, the manager as corporate legal representative is how to deal with it? In this regard, Hunan Province, the city transfer team Changde City, 32 factory managers surveyed with a questionnaire. There are 30 companies in a timely manner to answer the factory manager, questionnaire recovery rate of 94%. Among the 30 enterprises, there are 3 large-scale enterprises, 13 medium-sized enterprises and 14 small-sized enterprises, among which 28 are state-owned enterprises and 2 are collective enterprises. Among them, 18 are profitable enterprises, 11 are loss-making ones and one is capital preservation enterprise. The questionnaires sent 19 directors on the issue of price reform. Summarized in the following five aspects:
总结了作者近几年在硼磷酸盐研究中所合成和表征的 10多个新化合物 ,即元素周期表第 4周期从 Cr至 Ga的元素或氧化物与工业催化剂材料 BPO4 在高温固相反应中 ,分别合成出具
On the basis of the geological field investigations and isotope geochronological studies the Sm-Nd isochron age (513 Ma?0 Ma), Rb-Sr isochron age (511 Ma? Ma) a