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亲爱的读者朋友,新一轮课程改革实验已经走过了近一年的时间,参与首批实验的教师大胆实践和探索,努力将对新课程理念的理解转化为教学行为,创造出许多具有时代气息的教学经验。为了及时总结首批实验区的成功经验,并为更多的实验教师走进新课程提供服务,我们从38个实验区推荐来的500多篇优秀案例中遴选了30篇编辑成“新课程优秀案例专辑”,奉献给广大读者朋友。本专辑分四部分:第一部分是专家访谈,课程专家就新课程实验中教师关注的一些问题答本刊记者问。第二部分是教学设计,共15篇,涉及小学、初中多个学科,如:语文、数学、英语、科学、生物、美术、艺术、综合实践活动等学科,每篇都贯穿相应学科课程标准的要求,叙述精要,力求给人耳目一新的感觉。第三部分是特色案例,共7篇,各篇均抓住教学中的重要环节,以生动形象的笔触,描绘新理念指引下课堂上的新气象。第四部分是评析与反思,共8篇,聚焦精彩教学片段和典型问题进行评点与剖析,不乏引人深思之处。我们认为,这些案例并不是完美无缺的,某些细节可能有待推敲和商榷,但可以肯定的是,每篇都在一定程度或层面体现了新课程的理念,都有令人兴奋的亮点,呈现出独特的风格。案例,是先行者为后来者树起的坐标和书写的启示录,是理念与实践如盐溶于水的鲜活文本。如? Dear reader friend, a new round of curriculum reform experiment has gone through nearly a year’s time. The teachers participating in the first experiments boldly practice and explore, and strive to translate the understanding of the new curriculum concept into teaching behaviors and create many times Breath of teaching experience. In order to timely summarize the successful experience of the first experimental areas and provide service for more experimental teachers to enter the new curriculum, we selected 30 articles compiled from the excellent cases of more than 500 recommended in 38 experimental areas as “ Case album ”, dedication to the majority of readers friends. The album is divided into four parts: the first part is an interview with experts, curriculum experts on the new curriculum experiment some of the questions the teacher answered the reporter’s questions. The second part is the teaching design, a total of 15, involving primary and junior high school multiple disciplines, such as: language, mathematics, English, science, biology, art, art, integrated practice activities and other disciplines, each of which runs through the corresponding subject curriculum standards Requirements, narrative essence, and strive to give a fresh feeling. The third part is a special case, a total of seven articles, each chapter are to grasp the important part of teaching, with a vivid image of the brush strokes, depicting new ideas under the guidance of the new atmosphere in the classroom. The fourth part is evaluation and reflection, a total of 8, focusing on wonderful teaching clips and typical issues for comment and analysis, there is no lack of thought-provoking place. In our opinion, these cases are not perfect. Some of the details may need to be considered and discussed. However, it is certain that each of them reflects the concept of the new curriculum to a certain degree or level and has exciting bright spots. A unique style. The case is the apocalypse of the forerunner’s coordinates and writing for the latecomer, a living text of ideas and practices such as salt-dissolved water. Such as?
某电厂大型蓄水池地基承载力不足、回填土主动(被动)土压力不足,池壁发生转动。通过在外侧底板末端地基设置高压旋喷桩,补偿地基承载力。 The bearing capacity of the foun
该文介绍了一个多声音产生系统。它要求应用于以下的一类场合:首先,需经同时产生多路不同声音,再者,各个声音播出场点有一定距离,而且各路声音的启停可以集中控制。 This article
定位不清、方向不明,缺乏标准化建设,成为固定电话增值 业务难以展开的重要原因。 Positioning unclear, the direction is unknown, the lack of standardization, as fixe