
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alexkent
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在新世纪文化背景下,全球文化迎来了大发展的良好机遇。民族音乐文化应适应这一形势,把握机遇,谋求发展。这就要求我们在大力传承、发展我们本民族音乐文化的同时,正确处理与西方音乐文化的关系,扭转近代以来西方音乐文化占主导地位的局面,构建一种以民族的音乐文化为主导、兼容并蓄的多元化音乐文化发展思路与模式。面对目前民族音乐文化发展中的诸多问题,要实现以上构想,首先应着力强化我们自身对民族音乐文化的体认;其次应付诸行动,努力开拓民族音乐文化的新发展;再次应全面推进民族音乐文化的交流与传播,从而真正实现21世纪我国民族音乐文化的发扬光大。 In the cultural background of the new century, the global culture has ushered in a good opportunity for great development. National music culture should adapt to this situation, seize opportunities and seek development. This requires us to vigorously inherit and develop our own ethnic music culture, while correctly handling the relationship with the Western music culture, reversing the Western music culture dominated the situation in modern times, to build a national music culture as the leading, compatible Diversified music culture development ideas and models. In the face of many problems in the development of national music culture at present, to realize the above ideas, we should try our best to strengthen our own recognition of national music culture. Secondly, we should make every effort to explore the new development of national music culture. Ethnic music and cultural exchange and dissemination, so as to truly carry forward our national music culture in the 21st century.
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