
来源 :青海医药杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangyangyingzi
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目的:探讨内镜在慢性萎缩性胃炎诊断中的价值。方法:针对就诊的150例慢性萎缩性胃炎患者资料进行胃黏膜活检和内镜检查结果的对比分析。结果:对比结果显示150例经内镜检查诊断为慢性萎缩性胃炎的患者中有112例同时得到胃黏膜活检诊断证实,相符率达到74.67%;65例伴有肠上皮化生,31例伴有异型增生。胃镜下黏膜变薄,红白相间,白相及胃黏膜粗糙为主的表现,其病理诊断慢性萎缩性胃炎符合率达92.54%,其符合率与胃镜下具有黏膜粗糙呈颗粒或结节状表现及具有慢性萎缩性胃炎内镜下各种表现之间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:胃镜下黏膜变薄、白相及粗糙为主者与病理诊断相比,其诊断为萎缩性胃炎的比率较高,但其他内镜下表现的慢性萎缩性胃炎的内镜诊断和病理结果的符合率有一定的差异,所以对于慢性萎缩性胃炎的诊断应将内镜诊断和病理诊断结合起来以提高对慢性萎缩性胃炎的确诊率。 Objective: To investigate the value of endoscopy in the diagnosis of chronic atrophic gastritis. Methods: According to the data of 150 patients with chronic atrophic gastritis, the results of gastric biopsy and endoscopy were compared and analyzed. Results: The comparative results showed that 112 of the 150 cases diagnosed as chronic atrophic gastritis by endoscopy were confirmed by biopsy of gastric mucosa at the same time. The coincidence rate reached 74.67%. There were 65 cases with intestinal metaplasia and 31 cases with Abnormal hyperplasia. Gastroscopy mucosal thinning, red and white, white phase and gastric mucosa mainly based on the performance of its pathological diagnosis of chronic atrophic gastritis consistent rate of 92.54%, the coincidence rate and gastroscopy with mucosal coarse particles or nodular performance and There was significant difference between endoscopic and chronic atrophic gastritis (P <0.05). Conclusion: Gastroscopy under the thinning, white and rough-based diagnosis compared with the pathological diagnosis of atrophic gastritis was higher, but the performance of other endoscopic endoscopic diagnosis of chronic atrophic gastritis and pathological findings There is a certain difference in coincidence rate, so the diagnosis of chronic atrophic gastritis should be combined with endoscopic diagnosis and pathological diagnosis to improve the diagnosis of chronic atrophic gastritis.
日前英美两国联合进行的一项调查显示,每对夫妻每日花在家务琐事上的争吵平均竟达到40分钟,而其中争吵的“最大项”则是由随处乱丢的衣服鞋袜引起的! A recent survey condu
视网膜母细胞瘤(Rb)是儿童最常见的眼内肿瘤,遗传方式为常染色体显性遗传,RB 基因双拷贝突变也可产生 RB。携带RB 易感基因个体其它肿瘤发病率明显增加。RB 基因定位于13q14
Ptader-willi 综合征(PWS)是与肥胖有关的畸形综合征中最常见的一种类型。其特征是婴幼儿期肌张力低、智力低下、身材矮小、生殖器发育不全、肢体畸形及特殊面容。研究发现