提高依法治教水平 推进教育管理创新

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行政许可法是规范政府共同行为的重要法律,它的施行必将对依法行政、建设法治政府产生重大而深远的影响。如果说全国执行行政许可法的重点在于推进政府职能转变和管理创新,进一步提高依法行政水平,那么具体到高等教育界,着力点应是以此为契机,提高依法治教、依法治校的能力,推动教育管理创新。加强依法治教和治校能力建设,既是提高教育行政部门和高校治教、治校的实践过程,也是不断地把实践经验上升为理论,深入把握教育和育人规律的过程。这是一个系统工程,包括治教和治校理念、方略、方式、体制、机制及资源配置等各个方面的调整与创新。能否把依法治教能力建设建立在对客观规律的深刻认识和自觉运用的基础上,是对高等教育管理者水平的一种检验。为配合此项工作的有效实施,本刊特约几位法制工作者和法学专家撰文,透过各自视角作初步探讨。 The law of administrative permission is an important law regulating the common behavior of the government. Its implementation will surely exert a profound and far-reaching influence on the administration by law and the construction of a government under the rule of law. If we say that the focus of the implementation of the law on administrative licensing in the country is to promote the transformation of government functions and management innovation and further improve the level of administration according to law, then the specific point to the higher education sector should focus on this as an opportunity to improve the ability to administer education according to law and administer the university according to law , To promote education and management innovation. Strengthening the administration of education according to law and the ability of managing schools are not only the practical process of improving the education and administration of schools by educational administration departments and colleges, but also the process of continuously raising practical experience to theory and thoroughly grasping the law of education and education. This is a systematic project that includes all aspects of adjustment and innovation in the concepts of education and school governance, strategies, ways, systems, mechanisms and resource allocation. Whether to build the ability to administer education according to law on the basis of deep understanding and conscious application of objective laws is a test of the level of managers of higher education. In order to tie in with the effective implementation of this work, we have made a special case study of several legal workers and legal experts to make preliminary discussions through their respective perspectives.
校园,夕阳,垂柳。他习惯在这样的景色中颔首吹箫,这低转的箫声为夕阳中的景致染了些许寂寞。还有那眼神中不经意闪过的哀愁。  这个画面一直定格在我的脑海中多年。想着想着,那箫声似从遥远的天际飘来,带着他的哀愁,还有那箫声里的寂寞。  他叫程放,是父亲的同事,也是我的化学老师。  他虽然是学理的,却精通音律。他最喜欢的乐器就是箫,我们经常在铺满夕阳的校园听到他幽幽的箫声。他吹得很投入,那时我们在紧张的学
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山东省滨州市滨城区人武部在民兵思想政治工作中注重以人为本,贴近民兵需求,做好结合文章,调动了广大民兵参与的积极性,确保了教育效果的落实。 在时间上,他们除利用训练和