A Brief Analysis about the Content and Current Situation of Vocational Students Oral English Skills

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  【Abstract】Higher vocational education is an important part of China’s higher and vocational education system. The target of which is to cultivate high-quality and skilled talents, and skills competition is one of the most direct ways to test the results of skills training. Vocational students oral English skills competition has received more and more attention, vocational colleges also make it the platform to present skills and teaching achievements to achieve the aim of deepen the reform of English teaching in vocational colleges. This paper aims to cause people’s reflection to the reform of English teaching by analyzing the current situation of the competition based on the content.
  【Key words】Higher vocational education; oral English; skills competition
  Vocational students skills competition is proposed by education department and held by either the education department with other relevant departments or other organizations authorized by Ministry of Education, it focuses on vocational majors, it includes students vocational skills competition and teachers teaching skill competition. Among which, Oral English Skills Competition not only helps the students to develop their interest in learning, but also practice their ability to express themselves.
  1. The content
  From 2004 on, English Course Guiding Committee decided to hold vocational students oral English skill competition every year; what’s more, the Ministry of Education brought the competition into national vocational students skills competition since 2011, which not only improves students’ interest to the language, but also brings enlightenment to the reform of English teaching in vocational colleges. Oral English skill competition can be divided into the preliminary contest and the quarter-final. The preliminary contest gives priority to oral retelling; students will be assigned an English passage and given 15 minutes to prepare and retell the passage within two minutes. The quarter-final is more complicated, it includes description, communication and debate. Description tests students’ statement ability by asking him/her to describe a photo or an advertisement within 15 minutes. Communication requires students to communicate with the judgers by using daily conversation expressions or professional communicative expressions after fifteen-minute preparation. Students are divided into two groups by drawing lots; judgers mark the students according to the students’ oral statement and their debating behaviors.   2.The current situation
  It’s easy to find that the competition tests students’ overall capacity including comprehension, thinking, and responding. These are also standards that the companies use to choose talents. But after analyzing the current situation we didn’t find it meet the expected effect, which can be seen in following two aspects. First, the students’ ability to use English is too poor and they don’t have good English knowledge. Since the enrollment marks reduce every year, so does the overall quality of the students. Due to the restriction of students’ learning habit and ability, oral expression, grammar and vocabulary, teachers find it difficult to carry out their teaching plans. This is the essential reason why students can’t get high marks in the competition. Second, students are not good at communicating and analyzing, like they can’t describe a picture correctly and express their own opinions afterwards. These are shortcomings shown when teaching English in vocational colleges, the colleges should change what and how they teach according to students’ behavior in the competition, and provides ideas for the cultivation of talents.
  Just like vocational students oral English skill competition, other English competitions in vocational colleges are the most suitable ways to test students’ English skill levels. By coaching competitors, we found the problems while they learn oral English, and thought about the reasons. The acquisition of English knowledge and skills counts on both scientific teaching methods and students’ daily accumulation of knowledge. What should be remembered is that skill competition is the way, improvement is the purpose, and to achieve the goal of promoting teaching and learning by organizing skills competitions.
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  [2]Ellis,Rod.(1999).Learning a Second Language Through Interaction.Philadelphia:John Benjamin.
  *2016年度湖南省教育廳科学研究项目 16C0861。
【摘要】高职英语课程教要求英语教学应注重提高学生的语言听说能力,本文提出微课 QQ群的翻转课堂的教学方式,采用翻转课堂的实验组和传统课堂的对照组比较两种课堂对学生语言实际应用能力提高的效果,得出微课 QQ群的翻转课堂在学生听说能力培养上更胜一筹的结论。同时,指出在微课 QQ群的翻转课堂的英语教学实践中有待探索和解决的问题。  【关键词】微课 QQ群的翻转课堂 高职高专英语教学  为满足我国社会发展
For a long time, due to the impact of one-sided pursuit of enrollment rate, our school carry out education closely around a few students whose further studies are expected. Bloom, a contemporary Ameri
【摘要】随着《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》的颁布,译林新版《英语》三年级起点的教材中在每个单元都增加了Cartoon time板块。板块内容是结合各单元主题而编写的卡通故事。这些短小生动有趣的故事深受小学生们的喜爱,充分调动了他们的英语阅读兴趣,丰富了语言实践。无疑,Cartoon time的教学,为孩子们开启了一趟快乐阅读之旅。  【关键词】Cartoon time;故事;英语阅读;快
【摘要】本文基于天津旅游资讯网英文版的盘山景区介绍,从语言角度克服一些最基本的语言障碍,建立传播的可信度和有效度。并从中观角度在重点信息的收集和提炼的角度对景区介绍进行分析。希望为盘山介绍英译提供一定的思路。  【关键词】盘山景区;英文介绍;英译  【作者简介】何思瑜(1992- ),汉族,2017级河北工业大学外国语学院英语笔译专业研究生,研究方向:人文社科翻译。  一、引言  天津盘山是国务院
【摘要】以国内士力架广告改变销售策略后的典型广告语为例,运用Jer Verschueren提出的语言顺应理论的框架,进行广告语语用现象分析,从而得出产品销售在广告语设计上要结合当下社会热点与大众喜好。  【关键词】语言顺应论;广告语;销售策略  【Abstract】From the Adaptation Theory introduced by Jer Verschueren, this stud
【摘要】苏式课堂立足于“开放”,著名诗人歌德曾经说过,“一件艺术作品是由自由大胆精神创造出来的,我们也应该尽可能用自由大膽的精神去参照和欣赏。”提高学生的英语创新能力在启发式苏式课堂中尤为重要,英语课堂中的“留白”能给学生独立思考和理清思路的时间,如何在英语课堂中“留白”值得深思。  【关键词】启发式 苏式课堂 自主性 创造性  给学生充分课堂练习和语言应用的机会,学生在英语学习中的自主性和创造性
【摘要】分析少数民族预科生应用文写作教学的现状及导致写作教学效果不理想的归因。在互联网背景下,引入情境教学改变应用文写作传统教学模式的桎梏,调动学生学习的积极性,提高学生理解和领悟能力,在实际应用中掌握和运用应用文写作的技能。  【关键词】“互联网 ”;应用文;写作教学  【作者简介】林迎春(1980.2- ),女,壮族,广西百色人,百色学院预科教育学院,讲师,研究方向:应用文写作。  前言  
【摘要】微课是翻转课堂的基础,翻转课堂是微课发展的载体。本文力图分析翻转课堂与微课的关系,以小学英语课程为例具体阐述了基于微课的翻转课堂的英语教学模式。  【关键词】微课;翻转课堂;教学模式  【作者简介】吴乐,邢台市龙泉小学。  【基金项目】本文系河北省课题《基于绘本教学的小学英语跨文化意识的探索与研究》编号:1506134。  一、引言  在现有的教学条件下,小学英语教学存在着很多的问题,教师
【摘要】英语作为一门基础工具学科,不仅培养语言运用能力,还能通过教学渗透核心价值观,体现中国情怀,得到思维品质、文化品格、学习能力的发展。核心素养的实现在于教师教育理念的的转变,取决于学生学习品质的提升,这将是一个教学双方持续终身的过程。  【关键词】学校教育;课程价值;核心素养;终身发展  【作者简介】何敏,江苏省南通中学。  作为课程改革的核心,“中国学生发展核心素养”于2016年正式出炉。该
一、我校初二英语教学的现状  当前,在各地初中英语教学改革实验中,分层教学已成为一个热点话题。分层教学分考虑到学生中存在的个别差异,有针对性地加强不同类别学生的学习指导,以便使每个学生都得到最好的发展。从我国现有的教学条件和《课标》的指导思想来看,分层教学不失为一种有效的、切合实际的教学方法,它将代表未来一段时间的改革方向。我校是地处江苏省南通市通州区经济比较发达的平潮镇,是一所2000多人的初级