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今天刊登由方程编写的《怀念长征》一文,有一层重要的意旨是为了纪念发生在70年前的中国红军的长征。提起长征,我们自然会想到“震惊中外”“艰难卓绝”“一往无前的必胜信念”等词语,自然会想到毛泽东、周恩来、朱德、刘少奇、邓小平、陈云、彭德怀等一批灿若星斗的伟人及催生新中国屹立在世界东方的众多革命元勋,自然会想到那些在长征路上冲锋陷阵、舍生忘死的知名或不知名的普通红军战士。可以说,红军长征是一种为了执著的信念和理想、不畏险阻、不怕牺牲、英勇奋斗、自强不息的历史进程,也是中国共产党人不断修正错误、不断求真务实、不断自立自强、不断带领军队和民众冲破层层黑暗走向光明前景的历史进程。我们怀念长征,是在怀念一种照亮历史和中国人民生活的精神;我们纪念长征,更是期待长征的精神不断在新的历史时期能够得到发扬光大,依然如灿烂的阳光般照亮我们中华民族的精神世界。 An article entitled “Miss the Long March,” written today by the equation, has an important purpose in commemoration of the Long March of the Chinese Red Army that took place 70 years ago. When we mention the Long March, we naturally think of the words “shocking China and foreign countries,” “arduousness,” “unwavering faith in triumphing.” We naturally think of such great stars as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yun and Peng Dehuai. The numerous revolutionary fighters that gave birth to the new China standing in the east of the world will naturally come to mind the well-known or unknown ordinary Red Army soldiers who are striving forward and forgetfulness on the Long March. It can be said that the Long March of the Red Army is a historical process of perseverance and faith, ideals, fear of sacrifice, bravery and self-improvement. It is also because of the constant revision of mistakes made by the Chinese Communists, constantly seeking truth and being pragmatic, and constantly leading the army And the general process of breaking through the layers of darkness toward a bright future. We miss the Long March and miss the spirit of illuminating history and the lives of the Chinese people. We have remembered the Long March and we are even expecting that the spirit of the Long March will continue to flourish in the new historical period and still illuminate the Chinese nation as a brilliant sunshine The spiritual world.
雅18是前苏联于1946年设计生产的双座初级教练机1954年4月1日,中国国家航空工业局批准南昌飞机制造厂提前成批生产雅克18 1954年7月,南昌厂仿制成功首架雅克18教练机,命名为