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荆门市 档案局于9月16日印发了《关于进一步加强全市档案宣传工作的通知》。要求各地各部门和广大档案工作者必须高度重视档案宣传工作,一手抓业务,一手抓宣传,加强《中国档案报》、《中国档案》和《湖北档案》等“一报两刊”的宣传学习,确保各单位有一份档案业务报刊,继续办好《荆门档案》简报,利用多种形式搞好档案宣传,还要与新闻部门密切联系,借用电视、广播、报纸、互联网等新闻媒体开展档案宣传,不断提高全社会的档案意识。各地各部门要把档案宣传工作纳入重要议事日程,实行“一把手”负责制,把档案宣传工作与其他各项工作同部署、同检查、同考核、同奖惩。要建立档案宣传工作目 Jingmen Archives on September 16 issued a “notice on further strengthening the city’s file publicity work.” Require all localities and departments and archivists must attach great importance to the file publicity work, one hand business, one hand propaganda, strengthen the “China Archives”, “China Archives” and “Hubei file” and so on. Publicize and study to ensure that all units have a press business press, continue to do a good job of “Jingmen file” briefing, use a variety of forms to do a good job of file publicity, but also with the news department in close contact with borrowing television, radio, newspapers, the Internet and other news media File publicity, and continuously raise the awareness of the entire community archives. All localities and departments should file the propaganda work into an important agenda, the implementation of the “top leaders” responsible system, the file publicity work and other work with the deployment, with the inspection, with the examination, with the rewards and punishments. To establish a file propaganda work
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乘近日赴京开会之便,有幸拜望陈炳德将军,寓室一聚,捎上家乡人民的问候和祝贺,畅谈神六,为祖国的强大振奋不已、即兴而作。 When I was in Beijing for a recent visit to J
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