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[例1]男,9岁,1970年9月6日入院。肾病史2个月,住院后用强的松60毫克/日治疗,最大剂量达80毫克/日。经2个多月治疗,尿蛋白始终(++)以上,但患者已出现明显柯兴氏综合征。11月10日不幸罹患水痘,只得骤停激素。水痘病情中等度以上,高热40℃左右达6天,经胎盘球蛋白、补液等支持疗法和对症处理,3周后水痘脱痂痊愈,但尿蛋白一直(++++),全身浮肿明显,再次应用强的松40毫克/日,1个月尿蛋白逐渐减少,再1个月后尿蛋白完全转阴,并未再波动,强的松总疗程9个月,痊愈,随访8年,未复发。 [例2]男,2岁6月,1977年8月2日因肾病住院。经强的松、环磷酰胺和苯丁酸氮芥联合应用5个月,病情仍反复不稳定,尿蛋白始终(++)以上,第六个月患儿不幸感染水痘,被迫骤停激素和免疫抑制剂,水痘病情中等,痘疹亦不多,经丙种球蛋白、补液等支持疗法和对症处理,2周后水痘基本痊愈,尚未脱痂。患儿又并发稀释性低血钠症,血清钠112毫当量/升,经静注高渗盐水、人体白蛋白和口服食盐等治疗后4天,血清钠上升到139毫当量/升,低血钠症状逐渐消失。但尿蛋白始终(+++)→ [Example 1] Male, 9 years old, admitted to hospital on September 6, 1970. Nephrotic history of 2 months after hospitalization with prednisone 60 mg / day treatment, the maximum dose of 80 mg / day. After more than 2 months of treatment, urinary protein was always (++) above, but patients had a clear Cushing’s syndrome. November 10 unfortunately suffering from chickenpox, only to stop the hormone. Varicella disease moderate above fever 40 ℃ or so for 6 days, after placental globulin, fluid and other supportive therapy and symptomatic treatment, 3 weeks after the chicken pox stripping escaped healing, but urinary protein has been (++++), systemic edema, Again using prednisone 40 mg / day, 1 month urine protein gradually decreased, and 1 month after urine protein completely negative, did not fluctuate, prednisone total course of 9 months, recovered, followed up for 8 years, did not relapse. [Example 2] Male, 2 years old June, 2 August 1977 Hospitalized for kidney disease. After prednisone, cyclophosphamide and chlorambucil combined application of 5 months, the condition is still repeatedly unstable, urinary protein is always (++) above, the sixth month of unfortunate infection in children with chickenpox, was forced to arrest the hormone And immunosuppressive agents, varicella disease is moderate, smallpox is not much, by gamma globulin, fluid replacement therapy and symptomatic treatment, 2 weeks after the chickenpox basically healed, yet scab off. Children with concurrent hypoAmia, serum sodium 112 meq / l, after intravenous infusion of hypertonic saline, human albumin and oral salts and other 4 days after treatment, serum sodium rose to 139 meq / l, low blood Sodium symptoms gradually disappear. However, urinary protein always (+++) →
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