
来源 :中国领导科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoumingjiang123
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坚持人民主体地位,坚持法律面前人人平等,必须坚持容忍、平等的原则。这是法治社会的价值基础。容忍、平等是指不同性别、阶层、阶级、民族、文化程度、宗教和政治信仰的公民在文化上能够互相尊重,美人之美,美美与共,在政治权利和经济权利上互相平等,在法律面前人人平等。作为法治社会要素的容忍和平等特别要求有效消除和降低富人与穷人之间的两极分化,消除不同文化之间的相互歧视,维护弱势群体、不利群体和边缘群体的基本权利。所有的人,不分男女,都应当有机会去提高他 To uphold the dominant position of the people and adhere to equality before the law, we must uphold the principle of tolerance and equality. This is the value of the rule of law in society. Tolerance and equality mean that citizens of different genders, strata, classes, ethnic groups, educational levels, religions and political beliefs are culturally able to respect each other, beauty of the United States, beauty and beauty are equal, political and economic rights are equal, People are equal. Tolerance and equality as an essential element of the rule of law society in particular require the effective elimination and reduction of the polarization between the rich and the poor, the elimination of cross-cultural discrimination and the maintenance of the fundamental rights of the disadvantaged, disadvantaged and marginalized groups. All people, men and women, should have the opportunity to improve him
The log–polar transform(LPT) is introduced into the star identification because of its rotation invariance.An improved autonomous star identification algorithm
趋势科技日前荣获美国EverythingChannel的CRN在线媒体评选为推动2010年云端安全趋势的20家最酷的云端安全厂商之一。Everything Channel的CRN指出:“趋势科技依然是SaaS领域
以开发水力发电站和采、选矿业为例,谈谈当前行政许可审批存在的不合理现象,并提出改革审批制度的若干做法。 Take the development of hydropower station, mining and dre