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2001年 5月 29日,国务院颁布了《基础教育改革与发展的决定》,这是继 1999年颁布《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》后颁发的又一重要的纲领性文件。决定指出:“基础教育是科教兴国的奠基工程,对提高中华民族素质、培养各级各类人才,促进社会主义现代化建设具有全局性、基础性和先导作用。”决定还提出了到2010年我国基础教育的总体水平要接近或达到世界中等发达国家水平的奋斗目标。为此,2001年6月 7日,教育部颁发了《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》,从课程目标、课程结构、课程标准、教学过程、教材开发与管理、课程评价、课程管理、教师培养和培训、课程改革的组织与实施等九个方面推进课程教育改革。从 2001年秋季开始,根据最新课程标准编撰的教材在全国38个国家基础教育改革实验区开始实验。经过半年的改革,各实验区已取得了丰硕的教改成果。为此,编辑部决定开辟“教改之窗”栏目,全面及时地反映教改的最新动态。栏目主要包括四个方面的内容:对基础教育课程改革的认识和思考;对《历史》或《历史与社会》教材选用的思考;对如何实施新的课程评价方法的思考;对教学方法改革的思考及具体的课例和教案。由于这次课程改革涉及面广、操作难度大,本栏目所发表的成果很可能是尚不成熟的,但我们坚信它们都体现着教改的方向。希望全国的历史教研员和教师共同努力,为实现我们基础教育改革的目标而奋斗! On May 29, 2001, the State Council promulgated the “Decision on Basic Education Reform and Development.” This is another important programmatic program that was issued after the “Decision of the Central Committee and the State Council on Deepening Educational Reform to Advance Quality Education in 1999” was promulgated. file. The decision pointed out: “Basic education is the foundational project for rejuvenating the country through science and education. It has a holistic, fundamental, and leading role in improving the quality of the Chinese nation, cultivating talents at all levels, and promoting socialist modernization.” The decision was also put forward to 2010 in China. The overall level of basic education should be close to or reach the goal of the world’s moderately developed countries. To this end, on June 7, 2001, the Ministry of Education issued the “Outline for Basic Education Curriculum Reform (Trial)”, from course objectives, curriculum structure, curriculum standards, teaching process, teaching material development and management, curriculum evaluation, curriculum management, and teachers. Nine aspects of training and training, organization and implementation of curriculum reforms are used to promote curriculum education reform. Beginning in the fall of 2001, textbooks compiled according to the latest curriculum standards began experiments in the basic education reform experimental zones in 38 countries across the country. After six months of reforms, the experimental areas have achieved fruitful results. To this end, the editorial department decided to open up a “window of education reform” column to fully and timely reflect the latest developments in education reform. The columns mainly include four aspects: understanding and thinking about the curriculum reform of basic education; thinking about the selection of teaching materials for “history” or “history and society”; thinking about how to implement new curriculum evaluation methods; reforming teaching methods Thinking and concrete lesson examples and lesson plans. As the curriculum reform involves a wide range of issues and is difficult to operate, the results published in this column are probably immature, but we firmly believe that they all reflect the direction of education reform. We hope that the history teachers and teachers of the country will work together to strive for the goal of our basic education reform!
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《神农本草经》、《唐本草》、《本草纲目》都是我国古代著名的医学著作 ,在中学历史教材中均有叙述。“本草”一词系中药的统称 ,最早见于东汉班固编写的《汉书·平帝纪》。
2001年全国高中数学联合竞赛试题11. 函数的值域为______________. 笔者愿和大家一起对这道赛题的解法作一番探讨.先看参考答案: 解两边平方得(2y-3)x=Y2-2, 从而y≠3/2且x=
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