With the continuous development of the field of oilfield in our country, the scale of exploitation is also constantly expanding, but the phenomenon of well waxing has become a prominent problem. Waxing of oil wells can cause many hazards and has a serious impact on the smooth progress of the work. Therefore, oil well waxing poses a great threat to oilfield development. To avoid threats, we adopt a more scientific solution. It is necessary to effectively prevent the occurrence of waxing, but also to save resources, capital, simple and easy to operate. Electromagnetic heater formation water cleaning wells is a relatively advanced technology, is the product of modern scientific and technological innovation, it complies with the needs of development, will be more and more widely used. In this paper, we first introduce some simple questions about waxing of oil well, explain the importance of well wax cleaning, and then analyze the method of cleaning oil well with electromagnetic heater groundwater. Compared with common wash, Water cleaning the advantages of oil wells.