
来源 :南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:like_scdx
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徐志廉(1956—),江苏南京人。“一位富有天赋和魅力的指挥”;他的指挥“洋溢着细腻与优雅,同时迸发出激情与活力”;“徐志廉博士的(指挥)风格自然流畅,不刻意为乐曲诠释加人为因素,忠实地再现古典音乐的原味”;“中国出生的指挥家徐志廉以他优美的风格抓住了观众”;“在指挥徐志廉棒下,把这首乐曲演绎得火力威猛却又理智紧凑,令人肃然起敬”……这些是许多国家的主要报刊对徐志廉指挥的评价。徐志廉多次指挥过保加利亚国家歌剧院、国家合唱团、索菲亚室内乐团、布加斯国立爱乐乐团、古典调频电台交响乐团及俄国圣彼得堡国立交响乐团、乌克兰莎帕罗奇国立交响乐团、阿尔巴尼亚国家广播电视交响乐团、土尔其比尔肯特交响乐团和中国天津交响乐团、四川爱 Xu Zhilian (1956-), Nanjing, Jiangsu. “A talented and charismatic conductor ”; his command “exudes delicate and elegant, at the same time burst out passion and vitality ”; “Dr Xu Zhilian’s (command) style of natural smooth, not intended for music interpretation Add human factors, faithfully reproduce the original flavor of classical music ”;“ Chinese-born conductor Xu Zhilian in his beautiful style to seize the audience ”; “ under the command of Xu Zhilian, the piece of music interpretation of the power Granville Fierce but intellectual, compact, awe-inspiring ”... These are the commentary of Xu Zhilian, the leading newspaper in many countries. Xu Zhi Lian repeatedly directed the Bulgarian State Opera, the National Choir, the Sofia Chamber Orchestra, the Bourgas National Philharmonic Orchestra, the Classical FM Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Russian State St. Petersburg State Philharmonic Orchestra, the Russian Shaporuoqi National Symphony Orchestra, the Albanian National Broadcasting TV Symphony Orchestra, Turkish Birken Symphony Orchestra and China Tianjin Symphony Orchestra, Sichuan Love