Based on the CEPIIBACI database from 2001 to 2010, this paper detailed the WTO tariffs and the CAFTA tariff data at HS-6 product level. Based on the theoretical framework of the heterogeneous assumptions of enterprises, this paper studies China’s tariffs and non-tariff policies under the framework of CAFTA Implications for the Dual Margin of Import Growth. The results show that at present, China’s imports mainly depend on the intensive marginal growth. The decline of China’s foreign tariffs and the construction of CAFTA can both raise the volume of China’s import trade. Further, the role of CAFTA in promoting the import-intensive marginalization of China is mainly realized through the reduction of the tariffs agreed, while the promotion of the expansion of marginalization is realized more through the implementation of non-tariff policies. In addition, relative to the decline in MFN tariffs in China, the expansion margin has seen more growth from the equivalent reduction of CAFTA tariffs. These conclusions provide a strong policy basis for adjusting the structure of China’s imports.