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机遇和挑战过去的25年是令人瞩目的25年。20世纪70年代末,中国从“文化大革命”的混乱中走出来,踏上了邓小平开创的改革之路。结果,占全球五分之一人口的10多亿中国人经历了经济持续增长和贫困减少的历程,这在全世界是独一无二的。20世纪80年代末期,4亿前苏东地区人口也开始从计划经济向市场经济转轨。转轨的过程中有成就也有痛苦。但是,改革是不可逆转的,一些苏东国家正被批准加入欧盟。在90年代早期,印度也静悄悄地开始了经济改革,目前已经实现了20年前难以想象像的增长和贫困减少。几十年来,人们的总体生活水平也得到了巨大改善。在过去40年里,发展中国 Opportunities and Challenges The past 25 years have been a remarkable 25 years. In the late 1970s, China emerged from the chaos of the “Cultural Revolution” and embarked on the road of reform initiated by Deng Xiaoping. As a result, more than 1 billion Chinese people, who make up one-fifth of the world’s population, have experienced sustained economic growth and poverty reduction, which is unique throughout the world. In the late 1980s, 400 million people in the former Soviet Union and the East began to shift from a planned economy to a market economy. There are achievements and pains in the transition process. However, the reform is irreversible and some Soviet countries are being approved to join the EU. In the early 1990s, India quietly started its economic reforms and has now achieved unimaginable growth and poverty reduction 20 years ago. For decades, people’s overall standard of living has also been greatly improved. In the past 40 years, China has been developing
面对 “热”得冒泡的电子商务和因特网,传统企业怎样能保持不败,独步天下?专家告诉你—— In the face of “hot” bubbling e-commerce and the Internet, how can traditi
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。建筑新浪潮——青年建筑师专栏@魏明$安徽建筑工业学院 Please download to view, this article does not support online acce
20 0 3年 8月 3日上午 9时 30分 ,程德成教授因病医治无效 ,永远地离开了我们 ,享年 81岁。程德成教授 ,生于 192 2年 8月 2 7日 ,浙江龙游人 ,194 7年 9月在南京中央大学医
20 0 0年 ,邢台市桥东区档案馆顺利通过市、县 (区 )档案馆目标管理认定 ,晋升为省二级 ,全市拔头筹。同年 ,胡家庄、拐角村两个村级档案室又分别通过了河北省机关团体事业单
The microstructure properties of the sol-gel derived TiO2 films were studied by the atomic force microscopy (AFM). The films were prepared by dip coating proces