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绿色照明是90年代初国际上对采用节约电能、保护环境的照明系统的形象说法,具体是指推广使用效率高、寿命长、安全和性能稳定的电光源,照明电器附件以及调光控制器组成的照明系统,节约照明用电,减少发电对环境的污染。照明的质量和水平已成为衡量一个国家社会现代化的重要标志,是人类社会可持续发展的一项重要措施。因此,十年前,当美国国家环保局提出绿色照明后,立即得到联合国等国际组织的响应,很快在国际上形成了一股浪潮,英国、法国、日本等主要发达国家和欧洲其它发达国接连制定了绿色照明工程计划,亚太地区一些发展中国家也在积极制定自己的绿色照明发展计划,中国是世界上人口最多、经济发展最快的国家,因此绿色照明工程对中国更具有吸引力,其意义也更加重大。 Green lighting is the image of the international lighting system adopting energy conservation and environmental protection in the early 1990s. It specifically refers to the promotion of the use of high efficiency, long life, safety and stable performance of the electric light source, lighting electrical accessories and dimming controller The lighting system saves electricity for lighting and reduces the pollution of power generation to the environment. The quality and level of lighting have become an important indicator of a country’s social modernization and an important measure for the sustainable development of human society. Therefore, ten years ago, when the US National Environmental Protection Agency proposed green lighting, it immediately received the response of the United Nations and other international organizations and quickly formed a wave in the international arena. The major developed countries such as the UK, France, and Japan and other developed countries in Europe A series of green lighting projects have been formulated in succession. Some developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region are also actively developing their own green lighting development plans. China is the world’s most populous country with the fastest economic development. Therefore, green lighting projects are more attractive to China. Its significance is even greater.
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