
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fliedpig
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珠江经济台的《最后四小时》特别节目,确实给人们以特别的感觉。我反复思索,其奥妙似乎是珠江经济台把现代观念、现代技术和现代思维方式融合于新闻传播实践,使这次特别节目具有共识、同步、全息的鲜明特征。 Pearl River Economic Taiwan’s “last four hours” special program, does give people a special feeling. I think again and again, and its mystery seems to be that Pearl River Economic Taiwan has integrated modern concepts, modern technologies and modern ways of thinking in its media and communication practice so that this special program has the distinct characteristics of consensus, synchronization and holography.
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