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目的分析晋安区手足口病疫情流行特征,探讨防控对策。方法对2008—2012年晋安区手足口病疫情资料进行描述性统计分析。结果 2008—2012年共报告手足口病11 471例,年均发病率370.92/10万,总体呈上升趋势;其中重症102例(0.9%);死亡1例(2010年),死亡率0.03/10万,病死率8/10万;男女性别比1.62∶1;男性发病率(443.87/10万)高于女性(293.11/10万);发病年龄1个月~42岁,≤5岁年龄组占95.3%;发病以散居儿童为主(71.0%),托幼儿童22.4%,托幼儿童发病构成由2009年的34.2%下降到2012年的21.4%,学生占2.1%,其他占4.4%;2008—2011年发病高峰在5~7月,2012年为9月(31.9%);各乡镇街道均有发病,以鼓山镇最多(45.3%),其次是新店和岳峰镇,3个镇共报告9 166例(79.9%);实验室确诊207例,其中EV71占62.8%,CoxA16占16.9%,其他肠道病毒20.3%;2012年实验室确诊110例,其他型肠道病毒有所增加,共42例(38.2%)。结论晋安区手足口病疫情呈逐年上升趋势,应采取综合防治措施,防控其病暴发流行。 Objective To analyze the epidemic characteristics of HFMD in Jinan district and to discuss the prevention and control measures. Methods Descriptive statistical analysis was conducted on the epidemic data of HFMD in Jinan district from 2008 to 2012. Results A total of 11 471 hand-foot-mouth disease cases were reported from 2008 to 2012, with an average annual incidence of 370.92 / 100 000, with an overall upward trend. Among them, 102 were severe (0.9%), 1 died (2010) and 0.03 / 10 The mortality rate was 8/10 million; the male-to-female ratio was 1.62:1; the incidence rate of male was higher than that of female (443.87 / 100000) (293.11 / 100000); the age of onset was from 1 month to 42 years old, 95.3%. The incidence was mainly for scattered children (71.0%), child care for children and kindergartens was 22.4%, and the incidence of child care and child care dropped from 34.2% in 2009 to 21.4% in 2012 with students accounting for 2.1% and others accounting for 4.4%. - The peak incidence in 2011 was from May to July and in September 2012 (31.9%). The incidence of diseases in all towns and villages was the highest (45.3%) in Gushan Township, followed by Xindian and Yuefeng Townships and 9 townships in total. 9 166 cases (79.9%); 207 laboratory confirmed cases, of which EV71 accounted for 62.8%, CoxA16 accounted for 16.9%, other enterovirus 20.3%; laboratory confirmed 110 cases in 2012, other types of enterovirus increased, a total of 42 Example (38.2%). Conclusion The epidemic situation of hand-foot-mouth disease in Jin’an district has been increasing year by year. Comprehensive prevention and control measures should be taken to prevent and control the outbreak of HFMD.
目的了解福建省在无脊髓灰质炎后,病毒分离阳性的AFP病例流行特征。方法对2000—2012年病毒分离阳性的AFP病例进行流行病学分析。结果 13年共报告AFP病例1 822例,年均发病率1
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