
来源 :联合国青年技术培训 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsyuanxue
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  The Buddhist thought is profound and extensive and has formed its own system in series aspects of philosophy, ideology, politics, values and view of life. From past till now, there are many researchers and followers of Buddhist thought and Ms. Meng is just one of them. However, it is extraordinary in ordinary that she brings blessings to others with the merciful heart and exquisite medical skill as a healer for decades of years.
  In order to deeply understand the advanced theory and practice of Meng Fanli for promoting Buddhist thought when she is practicing medicine, the reporter conducted an exclusive interview on her.
  UNITY: When did you start studying Buddhism? And what are your gains?
  Meng Fanli: I started learning Buddhism when I was 18 and it has been 26 years till now. I am deeply attracted by the profound and extensive Buddhist thought. It helps me understand what equality is, what mercy is and what the world outlook is. It also tells me how to get rid of annoyance and how to get back the pure heart I used to have, so that I can enjoy a happy and wise life.
  UNITY: 请问您是从何时开始研究佛家思想,有哪些收获?
  UNITY: Besides Buddhism, there is lots of other spiritual wealth in human society. What do you think of the relationship between Buddhism and other thoughts?
  Meng Fanli: The Buddhist thought takes a panoramic view of the situation and covers all things. It is like a circle that surrounds everything inside. It never rejects any other religious sects or thoughts. Various historical periods and culture lead to different political and humanistic thoughts, which are changeable due to the progress of times. The Buddhist thought is immutable, but it can follow the laws and social conditions of the world to have reasonable theory of the conducts in society and the behaviors of no bias. This is the difference between Buddhism and other individualism. It never stands on the opposite of other thoughts to regard the issue and manages itself in the society in a harmonious way, which cannot be reached by other individualism that are on the premise of personal thoughts and repel other thoughts.
  UNITY: 除了佛家思想外,人类社会还有诸多其他的精神财富,请问您如何看待佛家思想与其他思想的关系?   孟凡莉:佛家的世界观是纵观全局,涵盖万物的。它就是一个圆,无所不包,无所不容。绝不排斥任何教派以及其它的思想。在特定的历史时期,特定的不同文化导致了各个时期的政治思想,人文思想不同。这是随着时代的进步而不断变动的思想。而佛家的思想是永恒不变的,但却能于不变之中,随顺世间的法度、民情,如理如法的处世为人,而心无偏颇。这就是佛家思想和其它个人主义思想的不同。佛家思想,从来不会站在和任何思想对立的角度去看待问题,而却能圆融处世。这不是所有以个人思想为前提的,与其他思想互相排斥、相互对立的思想所能跨越的。
  UNITY: What is your job when you studying and promoting Buddhism? What is the relationship between Buddhism and your job?
  Meng Fanli: I am a doctor and my objective is to practice medicine in order to help people. It happens to have the same view of Buddhist thought. Buddhism pursues the Buddha-way and guides sentient beings, which in other words are self-salvation and salvation of others. It can not only relieve physical pains, but also fundamentally remove the pain in people’s mind. It both takes temporary solution and affects a permanent cure, so that can get the cure done once and for ever. So Buddha can be called as the king of supreme medical.
  UNITY: 在研究、推广佛家思想的同时,请问您从事何种工作?佛家思想与您的工作有何关系?
  UNITY: Youths is an important driver for the development of society, but they always get lost in reality. What is your opinion on this and can you give them some advices?
  Meng Fanli: The reason for their confusion is that they lack of love and responsibilities. If a person gets love inside, he would have a beam of light in his heart to light up the future and the way forward. There will be an invisible force to push him strive forward for his ideals and wishes and pay back the society, his parents, relatives, friends or even the whole human beings. However, if a man lacks love and responsibilities, then his inside would be selfish and dark. I wonder, if you are in complete darkness, can you find the direction and way onward? No pressure, no motivation. This is the common failing of this generation of young people. The spoil of their parents and the improvement of living standard make them lack of the learning of moral culture and the guidance of kindness. It is the real cause for their life of laziness, selfishness, emptiness and lost.
  UNITY: 青年是社会发展的重要推动力,然而现实社会中的他们却往往遭遇各种迷茫,请问您如何看待这个问题以及对他们有何建议?
  孟凡莉:他们之所以迷茫,那是因为他们的内心缺少爱和责任的缘故。一个人的内心如果有爱的话,那么他的内心就会有一束光,照亮他们的前途及前进的方向。他就会有一种无形的推动力,让他朝着自己的理想和愿望去努力付出,回报给社会,父母,亲人,朋友,甚至是全人类。而人的内心缺少爱和责任的话,那么他的内心是自私的,黑暗的。试问,当您的眼前一片漆黑的时候,你还会找到前进的方向和出路吗?没有压力就没有动力,这就是这一代年青人的通病。因为父母的娇惯,生活水平的提高,而忽略了道德文化的灌输,以及善意的引导。这就是导致他们生活懒散,自私,空虚,迷茫的真正原因。   UNITY: The status of women is regarded as an important symbol to measure the degree of social civilization. In recent years, women’s status has raised in a certain extent worldwide. As a woman, what do you think are the challenges for this and how to tackle with them?
  Meng Fanli: For Buddhism, everyone is born equal and there is neither lowliness nor nobleness. The differences only lie in careers and jobs. In order to solve the problem of women’s status, it needs to free people’s wrong ideas and recognitions. As long as people’s ideas are changed, women’s status can be changed as well. As a woman, she should have the values of equality deep in her heart. We are as good as men, so there is no need to have low self-esteem and self-pity. Mentality can decide one’s destiny and everything. As long as psychological obstacles are overcame, your status would naturally be as equal as men’s without other’s help.
  UNITY: 妇女地位被视为衡量社会文明程度的重要标志。近年来,妇女地位在全球范围内得到了一定的提升。作为一位女性,请问您认为女性地位的提高主要有哪些挑战?如何解决?
  UNITY: Can you give us a brief talk about your life, your ideal and your plan about your life and work in the near future?
  Meng Fanli: I was born in the countryside and grew up in a traditional family of a severe father and a kind mother. My father taught me integrity and never admiting defeat and my mother taught me kindness, forgiveness and understanding. They laid a good foundation for my life and work. My wish since childhood is to help others like Buddha Guan Yin and it is also why I learn Buddhism afterwards. I know that if someone wants to save the drowning person, he should learn how to swim first. That is to say only one can master the way of self-salvation can he then save others. After studying Buddhism, I realize that everyone can save themselves and do not need others’ help. The key is whether you want to be saved or not. For life and work in the future, I just hope everything be as usual and do not forget the mind at the beginning. For future development, Buddhism says that, one should let it be and do not be too aggressive and ambitious. When conditions are ripe, success will come. When conditions are not ripe, there is nothing one can do. Let everything come naturally and people can be relived and feel comfortable.
  UNITY: 请简要谈谈您的人生以及理想以及在今后的工作生活中有何发展规划?
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