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各位同学、各位同志:值此志愿服务西部大学生即将出征之际,我谨代表教育部和周部长,对第一批志愿服务西部的同志们表示热烈的祝贺和崇高的敬意!“大学生志愿服务西部计划”是党中央、国务院做出的一项具有重要历史意义的战略决策,是从实施科教兴国,人才强国,西部大开发战略的高度,促进人才成长和人力资源建设的重要举措。它对于开辟大学生通向基层之路,改善西部地区人才结构,促进西部地区经济社会各项事业发展,也必将产生全面而深远的影响。到实践中去,到基层去,到祖国需要的地方去、服务社会,锻炼成长,是我国一代又一代知识分子健康成长的必由之路,今天,作为志愿者到西部去,艰苦奋斗,建功立业,是当代大学生和有志青年的正确选择,到西部去,经风雨、见世面,可以帮助大家深入了解国情、了解基层,体验实践的呼唤、感知时代的脉搏,培养与劳动人民的感情;可以更好 Dear students and comrades, On behalf of the Ministry of Education and Minister Zhou, I would like to extend my warm congratulations and highest respect to the first volunteers in the western region! Volunteer Service Volunteer Service The “Western Plan” is an important historic strategic decision made by the Central Party Committee and the State Council. It is an important measure to promote talent development and human resources development from the perspective of implementing the strategy of invigorating the country through science, education, talent and power and the strategy of developing the west. It will also have an all-round and far-reaching impact on the road to opening up university students to the grassroots, improving the talent structure in the western region and promoting the economic and social development in all western regions. In practice, going to the grassroots level, going to the needs of the motherland, serving the community, and exercising and growing are the necessary ways for the healthy growth of our country's generation after generation of intellectuals. Today, as volunteers go to the west, work hard and build their own foundation, The correct choice of undergraduates and aspiring young people can go to the western part of the country and make every effort to understand each other's state of affairs thoroughly, understand the grassroots level, experience the call of practice, sense the pulse of the times and cultivate the feelings of working people;
大多数经理人都遇到过这 种销售人员,他们业绩 很突出却亲和力很差。 这些人有着强烈的冲劲、无比自信的进取精神以及坚定不移的信心,正是这些素质使他们在竞争激烈的销售领域