
来源 :初中生辅导 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A3512516
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2010年是党中央提出西部大开发伟大战略的第十个年头。十年的艰苦奋斗,十年的辉煌成就。这不平凡的十年,也是《初中生辅导》紧跟时代步伐不断前进的十年。2000年党中央英明决策提出西部大开发,《初中生辅导》作为我省中学生阅读的一个期刊,为配合西部大开发战略,设置“走进西部”栏目,十年来编发的文章使初中生朋友了解到西部丰富的矿藏资源、壮丽的山川、奇特的自然现象、浓郁的民族风情以及西部大开发中最新的建设成就。初中生朋友通过“走进西部”这个窗口,对西部大开发的战略意义以及取得的伟大成就有了更进一步的了解,更加深了对我省省情的了解。初中生朋友是西部的未来,是西部大开发的生力军。自2000年本栏目的设置,当年的小读者许多已成为今天建设西部的辛勤劳动者,现在的小读者,阅读“走进西部”一系列文章,增强了使命感和责任感。愿你们努力学习,将来为西部大开发贡献自己的力量。 2010 is the tenth anniversary of the CPC Central Committee’s grand strategy of developing the western region. Ten years of hard work, a decade of brilliant achievements. This extraordinary ten years is also a decade in which “junior high school guidance” keeps pace with the pace of the times. In 2000, the Central Party Committee made wise decisions to promote the development of the western region. As a periodical for middle school students in our province, Guidance for Junior Middle School students set up a section entitled “Entering the West” in line with the strategy for the development of the western region. My friends learned about the rich mineral resources in the west, the magnificent mountains and rivers, the peculiar natural phenomena, the rich ethnic customs and the latest achievements in the development of the western region. Junior high school students and friends through the “into the western ” window, the strategic significance of the great development of the western region and made great achievements have been further understanding of, and deepen the province’s understanding of our province. Junior high school students friends are the future of the west and a new force in the development of the western region. Since the establishment of this section in 2000, many young readers of that year have become hard-working workers in building the west today. Today’s young readers read a series of articles entitled “Going West” to enhance their sense of mission and responsibility. May you study hard and make our contribution to the development of the western region in the future.
摘 要新课程标准在阶段目标中对一二年级写话目标的要求是:“对写话有兴趣,写自己想说的话,写想象中的事物,写出自己对周围事物的认识和感想;在写话中乐于运用阅读和生活中学到的词语;根据表达的需要,学习使用逗号、句号、问号、感叹号”。学生语言运用能力的形成,主要靠语言实践。然而能力并不是一会儿从无到有的,任何能力的形成,一要得其道,二要经常训练,训练成了习惯,才算有了能力。现针对我班的实际和教学实践,谈
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