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广东有位在60年代就提出社会主义有计划商品经济观点的学者卓炯同志,这是许多人都知道的,至于广州有位在50年代中期就提出有计划商品经济论的领导人吴有恒同志,知道的人就不多了。这一论点是1956年8月 5日他以“方集”为笔名在北京《大公报》第一版“星期论文”中提出来的。在当时的条件下,能够写出这样一篇有见地的文章,是十分难得的。39年过去了,中华大地发生了历史性的伟大变化,我党在改革开放过程中不断地深化对计划与市场关系的认识,于十四大提出了社会主义市场经济论,实现了对社会主义认识的新飞跃,十四届四中全会还勾画了建立社会主义市场经济体制的蓝图和基本框架。吴有恒同志已于1994年离开我们了,今天我们重温他当年提出的有计划商品经济论,对于我们坚定地走有中国特色社会主义道路,是很有意义的。 Comrade Zhuo Yu, a scholar of Guangdong who proposed a socialist planned commodity economy in the 1960s, is known to many. As for Comrade Wu Youheng, a leader of a planned commodity economy in Guangzhou in the mid-1950s. There are not many people who know. This argument was put forward in August 5, 1956, under the pseudonym of “Fangji” in the “Week Paper” of the first edition of “Ta Kung Pao” in Beijing. Under such conditions, it was very rare to be able to write such an insightful article. Thirty-nine years have passed. Great historic changes have taken place in the land of China. During the process of reform and opening up, our party has continued to deepen its understanding of the relationship between planning and the market. At the 14th National Congress of CPC, it put forward the theory of socialist market economy and realized socialism. With a new leap in understanding, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee also outlined the blueprint and basic framework for establishing a socialist market economic system. Comrade Wu Youheng had left us in 1994. Today, we revisit the theory of planned commodity economy that he put forward in that year and it is very meaningful for us to firmly follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
今年是改革开放30周年,这30年是中国工程机械行业不平凡的30年。改革开放以来,随着我国国民经济和基础设施建设快速发展,促进了工程机械行业高速发展, This year marks the
如皋供销大厦跻身全国供销商场销售百强江苏如皋市供销大厦自1 986年10月正式组建以来.注重营销策略研究,不断强化营销手段,大胆面向市场,阔步走向市场,获得了超常规 Rugao
Dad: Did you do your good deed today? Son: Yes, Dad. Four other children and I helped an old lady cross the street. Dad: Why did it take five of you? Son: She d