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本文是我们和协和医院泌尿科合作,以药物灌注精囊加速输精管结扎术后绝育效果的研究报告。接受手术者分为四组:第一组为单纯输精管结扎术(122例),第二组为输精管结扎术加用1%硼酸溶液每侧2毫升作精囊灌注(19例),第三组为输精管结扎术加用3%硼酸及2%乳酸溶液每侧2毫升作精囊灌注(47例),第四组为输精管结扎术加用0.01%醋酸苯汞溶液每侧3毫升精囊灌注(47例)。检查证明在术后7日内第一次检查精液时无活动精子者分别为33%、57%、71%及100%。并证明在第一组个别例子精子可活至73天以上。第二、三组在术后30日左右,精液内都无活精子。第四组效果最好,手术后100%当时即无 This article is our collaboration with the Department of Urology Union Hospital to accelerate the vas deferens seminal vesicle after vasectomy sterilization study results. The patients were divided into four groups: the first group was simple vasectomy (122 cases), the second group was vasectomy plus 1% boric acid solution on each side of 2 ml for seminal vesicle perfusion (19 cases), the third group was Vasectomy was performed with 2 ml of 3% boric acid and 2% lactic acid solution on each side for seminal vesicle perfusion (47 cases), the fourth group was vasectomy plus 3 ml per se side of seminal vesicle perfusion with 0.01% phenyl mercuric acetate solution (n = 47) . Check to prove that within the first 7 days after the semen sperm motility were 33%, 57%, 71% and 100%. And prove that in the first group of individual cases, sperm can survive to more than 73 days. Second, three groups after about 30 days, no sperm in the semen. The fourth group is the best, 100% after surgery then
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