福建省高级人民法院: 你院《关于缓刑犯减刑的管辖和处理程序问题的请示》收悉。经研究,答复如下: 对于被判处拘役或者三年以下有期徒刑、宣告缓刑的犯罪分子,在缓刑考验期内确有悔改或者立功表现,决定对原判刑罚予以减刑,同时相应地缩减其
Higher People’s Court of Fujian Province: Your hospital “Probation on the jurisdiction and handling procedures of the probationer commutation” received. After the study, the reply was as follows: For those criminals who were sentenced to criminal detention or suspended for not more than three years, they were sentenced to probation or meritorious service during the probationary probation period, and decided to reduce their sentence of sentence and reduce their penalties accordingly