9 Surprising Causes Of Bad Breath

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  No one likes bad breath. Scientists are still studying the causes of bad breath, and they have found a few surprising ones.
  1. Skipping breakfast(不吃早餐)
  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and now we can add fresh breath to the list of reasons why. When you skip breakfast, your saliva glands(唾液腺) aren’t as active in the morning and this can dry out your mouth, causing bad breath. Even if you brush before leaving the house, your breath will not be as fresh as it would be if you had eaten breakfast.
  2. Bad bacteria will make your breath smell(坏细菌会让你口臭)
  You may be surprised to learn that your mouth is home to both good and bad bacteria. The bad bacteria is one of the causes of bad breath. Since it mostly lives on the tongue, make sure you brush your tongue each time you brush your teeth. If you can, brush more than 2 or 3 times per day.
  3. Surprisingly, gum is one of the causes of bad breath(口香糖是原因之一)
  Usually, as soon as you are aware your breath is bad, you pop some gum in your mouth, thinking that it will cure the problem. If your gum is sweetened with Xylitol(木糖醇), it should help to freshen your breath. Studies show that only sugar-free gum sweetened with Xylitol can prevent bacteria that causes bad breath.
  4. Forgetting to floss(忘了用牙线剔牙)
  You can brush your teeth often, gargle(漱口) with mouthwash and stay away from coffee, but if you continually forget to floss, those food particles between your teeth will still create bad breath. Put a note on the bathroom mirror so you won’t forget to floss. It only takes 21 days to build a habit, so if you can remember for 21 days, you should be set for life.
  5. Breathing through your mouth(用嘴巴呼吸)
  Some people have fallen into the habit of breathing through their mouths all the time. When you have bad breath to begin with, mouth breathing does not help your case! Those who didn’t start out with bad breath will soon find that by breathing through their mouths, they have given themselves bad breath. When your mouth is open for long periods of time, it dries out and a dry mouth is one of the causes of bad breath. Practice breathing through your nose as often as you can, and soon you’ll become more aware of your mouth breathing. After a while, you’ll be breathing through your nose all the time.
  6. Eating too much protein(吃太多蛋白质)
  Protein has become the number one food to eat while on a diet because it keeps you full for a long time, and companies are adding protein to foods that don’t naturally have it to make more money. Protein is necessary for your body and very good for you, but like anything else, too much of a good thing is not good. If you are trying to lose weight but are not enjoying the bad breath, try a more balanced diet instead and add in some exercise. No diet should push you into eating too much of one food group.   7. Medication can cause bad breath(药物可能引起口臭)
  No one should ever stop taking medication simply because of bad breath—always talk to your doctor before making these decisions! If you aren’t happy about this particular side effect from your meds, chewing Xylitol gum and drinking lots of water will help you. Buy yourself a nice, sturdy water bottle and make sure you always have it with you. Try to drink at least 2 or 3 of these throughout the day and you will be healthier along with helping to eradicate your bad breath.
  8. Afraid of seeing the dentist?(怕见牙医)
  Many people hate the thought of going to the dentist for regular check-ups, but if you don’t go, you could have cavities, gum disease, or even infections that you don’t know about. These will all cause you to have bad breath. The best solution in this case is to face the music and go to the dentist. If you schedule regular checkups and cleaning appointments, you are less likely to have major issues with your teeth and gums.
  9. Lack of fruits and vegetables(缺水果蔬菜)
  Your mother always told you to eat your vegetables, and she was right! If you don’t eat enough fresh fruits and veggies, it can cause bad breath. Fresh produce is the best choice because your mouth will have to increase saliva production to chew and digest the fruits and vegetables, and the extra saliva will clean odor causing bacteria out of your mouth.
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