,Structure and superconductivity of hydrides at high pressures

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Hydrogen atoms can provide high phonon frequencies and strong electron-phonon coupling in hydrogen-rich materials,which are believed to be potential high-temperature superconductors at lower pressure than metallic hydrogen.Especially,recently both of theoretical and experimental reports on sulfur hydrides under pressure exhibiting superconductivity at temperatures as high as 200 K have further stimulated an intense search for room-temperature superconductors in hydrides.Tbis review focuses on crystal structures,stabilities,pressure-induced transformations,metallization,and superconductivity of hydrogen-rich materials at high pressures.
Hydrazine,a widely used liquid propellant,has the potential to be employed as a hydrogen source in certain instances and has therefore attracted considerable at
We here report a genome-editing strategy to correct spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).Rather than directly targeting the pathogenic exonic mutations,our strategy em
摘要:高校思想政治理论课具有促进大学生认同社会主义核心价值体系的价值。充分发挥这一价值的作用在于解决当前思想政治理论课造成大学生对社会主义核心价值体系认同不足的问题。根据大学生认同社会主义核心价值体系的一般过程,教育主体应创新思想政治理论课的教学内容、教学方式和实践教学,实现大学生对社会主义核心价值体系的认知认同、情感认同和行为认同。  关键词:思想政治理论课; 大学生; 社会主义核心价值体系;
古吉拉特邦南部凋萎病的防治Anon.Sugarcane Breeding Inst.Newsletter(Coimbatore)1988.7.(4).2—3.1985年古吉拉特邦南部凋萎病突然蔓延,主要为害 CoC671和 Co6304;许多蔗
摘要:在全球金融危机的新形势下,大学生创业教育的地位和重要性越发凸显。而创业教育是高校思想政治教育与时俱进的一个重要方面。新形势下的高校创业教育,务必强化理想信念教育、道德法制教育、心理品质教育和艰苦奋斗教育等德育功能。  关键词:金融危机; 创业教育; 德育功能  中图分类号: G641 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-9749(2009)04-0098-03    2007年夏季发生的美国次
It is proposed that the new generation of spintronics should be ideally massless and dissipationless for the realization of ultra-fast and ultra-low-power spint