上市买菜,下厨烧饭,这两大系列活似乎一直是女人,尤其是已婚女人责无旁贷的“世袭”家务,男人鲜有问津者。然而在今天,人们已看到了这样一种新现象:提着菜篮子与商贩讨价还价,系着围裙淘米掌勺的男人越来越多,并且正在成为一种趋势,一种时尚。 据好事者观察分析,男人提篮下厨,一般有两种情况:一种属主动型的,另一种属被动型的。前者是对烹调技艺十分爱好,将此活当作自己大显身手、小试牛刀的小天地,或为已“主外”的妻子当好“后勤”,消除其后顾之忧;或者为了博得妻子儿女的欢心和赞赏,以增加小家庭的温馨气氛。沪南某实业公司的成先生,自前年3月初的一天在一次宴会上品尝了那些美味佳肴后,
Grocery shopping, cooking cooking, these two series of life seems to have been a woman, especially the married woman duty-bound “hereditary” housework, little-paid men. However, today, people have seen such a new phenomenon: carrying a basket and vendors bargaining, wearing apron Taomi spoon more and more men, and is becoming a trend, a fashion. According to the observation and analysis of the good things, men basket to cook, there are two general situations: one is active, the other is passive. The former is very hobby cooking skills, this live as their own talent, a small trial of a small world, or as the “main” wife as a good “logistics” to eliminate their worries; or in order to win the favor and appreciation of his wife and children , To increase the warm atmosphere of small families. Mr. Cheng, an industrial company in Shanghai, has tasted those delicacies at a party since the early March of the previous year,