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山东青岛市市立医疗集团,由市立医院、市立医院东院、市人民医院、市皮肤病防治院和市北九水疗养院5个单位组成,是集医疗、教学、科研、保健疗养、康复于一体的以两所三级甲等医院为基础的大型综合性医疗集团。是青岛大学医学院附属医院、青岛市红十字医院,下设青岛市临床医学研究所、青岛市老年病研究所。几年来,先后荣获全国创建文明行业工作先进单位、全国卫生系统先进集体、全国百佳医院、首批全国百姓放心医院、全国企业文化建设先进集体、全国医院文化先进集体等荣誉称号。集团主体--青岛市市立医院自1998年以来,为贯彻国家医疗卫生改革精神,积极探索适合新形势下的医院发展模式,先后兼并了市皮肤病防治院、市东部医院、市北九水疗养院等7家医院,建立了市立医疗集团,2005年1月市人民医院加盟集团,使集团的规模进一步壮大。2006年9月1日市政府斥资兴建的市立医院东院门诊病房综合楼的正式启用,标志着集团跨越青岛市3个城区、东西北连锁经营的医疗服务格局的确立。目前,集团占地面积29.2万下方米,建筑面积22.3万平方米,开放医疗床位2000张,疗养床位200张。在职职工3147人,其中高级职称585人、中级职称963人,博士生、硕士生导师86人。博士、硕士316人。年门急诊量100余万人次,年出院病人4万余人次。 Qingdao City Medical Group is composed of 5 municipalities including Municipal Hospital, Municipal Hospital East Hospital, Municipal People’s Hospital, City Dermatological Hospital, and Beijiu Jiuhui Sanatorium. It is a combination of medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, health treatment, and rehabilitation. A large comprehensive medical group based on two tertiary hospitals. It is the affiliated hospital of Qingdao University Medical College and Qingdao Red Cross Hospital. It is under the Qingdao Institute of Clinical Medicine and Qingdao Institute of Geriatrics. Over the past few years, it has been honored as the National Advanced Unit for the Establishment of a Civilized Industry, the National Advanced Collective for the Health System, the National Top 100 Hospitals, the First Batch of National People Relief Hospitals, the National Advanced Collective for Corporate Culture Construction, and the National Collective of Hospital Culture. The main body of the group - Qingdao Municipal Hospital since 1998, in order to implement the spirit of national health reform, and actively explore the hospital development model suitable for the new situation, has merged the city dermatology prevention and treatment hospital, the eastern hospital of the city, the city of Beijiu nine nursing homes Seven hospitals were established and the municipal medical group was established. In January 2005, the Municipal People’s Hospital joined the group to further expand the group’s scale. The official opening of the Dongyuan Outpatient Ward Complex on September 1, 2006, which was funded by the municipal government, marked the establishment of the medical service structure across the three city districts and east-west chains in Qingdao. At present, the group covers an area of ​​292,000 meters below the floor, a building area of ​​223,000 square meters, 2000 medical beds, and 200 nursing beds. There are 3,147 employees, including 585 senior professional titles, 963 intermediate professional titles, and 86 doctoral and master tutors. 316 doctors and masters. There are more than 100 million emergency visits a year, and more than 40,000 patients are discharged every year.
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