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厦门经济特区经过六年多的建设,已初具规模。1987年工农业总产值35.47亿元,比1980年的11.34亿元,增长二倍多。其中,工业总产值32.70亿元,比1980年增长249.89%;农业总产值2.77亿元,比1980年增长44.98%。引进外商签约投资项目380项,批准299项,合同投资额为9.4亿美元,其中外资5.1亿元;已投资(开业)的三资企业184家,实际利用外资1.73亿美元。生产的发展增强了特区的经济实力,六年(1982—1987年)财政总收入32.7亿元,其中属于中央、省收入占69%。 1987年工业总产值32.70亿元,其中轻工业产值21.87亿元,占66.88%,重工业产值10.82亿元,占33.12%。厦门特区(岛内)工业产值26.31亿元,占工业总产值80.46%。 1987年三资企业工业产值达9.79亿元,占工业总产值的29.94%。特区内三资企业工业产值9.58亿元,占三资企业工业产值的97.85%。 After more than six years of construction, Xiamen Special Economic Zone has begun to take shape. The gross value of industrial and agricultural output in 1987 was 3.547 billion yuan, more than tripled from 1.134 billion yuan in 1980. Among them, the total industrial output value was 2.72 billion yuan, an increase of 249.89% over 1980; the total agricultural output value was 277 million yuan, an increase of 44.98% over 1980. 380 foreign-funded investment projects were signed and 299 were approved with a contractual investment of 940 million U.S. dollars, of which foreign investment was 510 million yuan. There were 184 foreign-funded (opened) enterprises with an actual use of foreign capital of 173 million U.S. dollars. The development of production enhanced the economic strength of the SAR. The total fiscal revenue in the six years (1982-1987) was 3.27 billion yuan, of which the central government accounted for 69% of the total revenue. In 1987, the total industrial output value reached 2.27 billion yuan, of which 2.187 billion yuan was from light industry, accounting for 66.88% of the total. The heavy industry output was 1.082 billion yuan, accounting for 33.12%. The industrial output value of Xiamen Special Economic Zone (island) was 2.63 billion yuan, accounting for 80.46% of the total industrial output value. In 1987 the foreign-funded enterprises reached 979 million yuan in industrial output, accounting for 29.94% of the total industrial output value. The industrial output value of foreign-funded enterprises in the SAR is 958 million yuan, accounting for 97.85% of the total output value of foreign-funded enterprises.
文化可以创意,有“文化创意(culture creation)”一说,而且颇为流行,在此基础上又有“文化创意产业”。当人们在倡导文化创意的时候,自然不能忘了“文学创意”。于是“文学创意”进入了人们的视野。有学者认为:“文学创意,即运用创意思维,以多元和系统的方式从事文学活动与创作,实现对于文学意蕴及其作用的强化,增进其文化价值与经济价值。”(田川流《创意时代的文学创意》,文艺报 2009年8月18