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目的通过调查分析深圳市龙岗区平湖街道社区居民在发生登革热疫情后,接受的登革热知识应急健康教育对居民认知水平的影响,为制定今后的健康教育策略提供科学依据。方法选取平湖街道发生登革热疫情的社区居民作为干预组,以未发生登革热疫情且基本情况相似的2个社区居民为对照组,分析两组居民的登革热防控知识知晓情况、相关行为差异。结果共收集有效问卷301份(干预组102份,对照组199份)。干预组中知晓登革热有关知识的调查对象多于对照组,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=3.936,P=0.047)。干预组灭蚊行为(χ~2=4.308,P=0.038)、怀疑登革热时的积极就医行为(χ~2=4.155,P=0.042)和到国外登革热疫区前咨询行为率(χ~2=6.557,P=0.010)高于对照组。对照组知晓蚊子活动高峰期的调查对象多于干预组,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=5.119,P=0.024)。调查对象目前获取登革热防控知识主要通过宣传画/栏(60.1%)、传单/折页等(47.3%)、电视公益播报(39.9%)。而调查对象认为理想的健康教育方式主要为手机短信(76.8%)、微信(76.8%)、电视公益播报(62.1%)、网络信息(56.4%)。结论尽管在疫情处置过程中对干预组进行多种形式的应急健康教育,部分知识的健教效果不明显。现有的登革热健教传播方式与居民所期望的健教传播方式不完全一致。后续应急健康教育方案需改进。 Objective To investigate the impact of dengue knowledge emergency health education on residents’ cognition level after the dengue outbreak occurred in community residents in Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen to provide scientific basis for formulating future health education strategies. Methods Community residents with dengue fever in Pinghu Street were selected as intervention group. Two community residents who did not have dengue outbreak and similar basic conditions were selected as control group. The awareness of dengue fever prevention and control knowledge and related behavioral differences were analyzed. Results A total of 301 valid questionnaires were collected (102 in the intervention group and 199 in the control group). There were more survey subjects who knew about dengue in the intervention group than in the control group, the difference was statistically significant (χ ~ 2 = 3.936, P = 0.047). (Χ ~ 2 = 4.305, P = 0.038), positive behavior in dengue fever (χ ~ 2 = 4.155, P = 0.042) and the rate of counseling before dengue fever in foreign countries (χ ~ 2 = 6.557, P = 0.010) higher than the control group. The control group knew more about the mosquito activity than the intervention group during the peak period (χ ~ 2 = 5.119, P = 0.024). At present, the respondents got the knowledge of prevention and control of dengue mainly through posters and posters (60.1%), flyers / brochures (47.3%) and television public service announcements (39.9%). The survey found that the ideal way of health education mainly SMS (76.8%), WeChat (76.8%), TV publicity (62.1%), network information (56.4%). Conclusion Although there are many forms of emergency health education in the intervention group during the course of the epidemic disposal, some knowledge of the health education is not obvious. The existing methods of dengue fever and education are not exactly the same as those expected by residents. Follow-up emergency health education programs need to be improved.