成绩发下来,我一脸茫然,从玩乐的酣梦中惊醒,我后悔莫及,早已泪流满面。听着耳边被风吹得“沙沙”直响的讨厌的树叶撞击声, 我的沉重的心更是有增无减,怀着失落的心情,我推开了久别的家门,母亲正躺在床上休息,她本来瘦小的身躯被疲劳折磨得更加憔悴,风霜染白了母亲那头靓丽的黑发,深深的皱纹布满了母亲的额头,宽大的肩膀已经不起风吹雨打,望着母亲,心里猛的一阵酸痛,泪水模糊了我的视线。稳定了一下情绪后,我轻轻地喊了一声“妈”。母亲醒过来,愁眉紧锁的她立刻舒展开来,拉着我的手问长问短,痛苦似乎早已被抛到九霄云外,我强装出一副开心的样子,漫不经心地应付着母亲的问话,一门心思想着糟糕的成绩。中午,母亲拖着疲惫的身子为我做了一桌丰盛的午餐, 我坐在桌前,勉强咽了几口,而母亲却使劲为我夹菜,当问起成绩时,我一时语塞,母亲望着我,等待着我的回答,“别问了!”声音极小,我感到无地自容,脸火辣辣的就仿佛狠狠
When the grades came down, I looked blankly and awakened from the nightmare of fun. I regret it and I was already burst into tears. Listening to the cries of the irritating leaves that were whistled in the wind by the wind and rustling, my heavy heart was still increasing. With feelings of loss, I pushed away a long absence and my mother was lying. Resting on the bed, her thin body was tortured by fatigue, the wind cream stained the mother’s beautiful black hair, deep wrinkles filled the mother’s forehead, wide shoulders have been unable to withstand the wind and rain, looking There was a sore mother’s heart and tears blurred my vision. After stabilizing some emotions, I gently shouted “Mom”. Mother woke up, and she frowned, she immediately stretched out, took my hand to ask the long and short, the pain seems to have been thrown into the clouds, I am forced to put on a happy look, carelessly cope with the mother’s question, a thought Bad performance. At noon, my mother dragged her exhausted body and made a good lunch for me. I sat at the table and swallowed hard, while my mother tried to hold the dish for me. When I asked about the results, I broke my tongue and my mother Looking at me and waiting for my answer, “Don’t ask!” The voice was so small that I felt ashamed and my face burned like a