,Impact of Virtual Dementia Tour on empathy level of nursing students: A quasi-experimental study

来源 :国际护理科学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jay12
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Objective: As a developable ability,empathy is significantly associated with patient-centered care.The authors intended to evaluate the effect of Virtual Dementia Tour (VDT) upon nursing students’ empathy level and propose practical rationales for optimizing future dementia care.Methods: A total of 45 second-year undergraduate nursing students were organized to watch a theme movie entitled Still Alice and participate in an 8-min VDT.Jefferson Scale of Empathy-Health Professional Students (JSE-HPS) was employed for evaluating the empathy level of nursing students.After VDT,all nursing students participated in a structured interview.Descriptive statistics and paired t-tests were performed using SPSS 24.0.Results: Their empathy levels demonstrated significant overall improvements (106.69 ± 9.49 vs 115.51 ± 10.16,P < 0.01).During the course of VDT,nursing students experienced varying levels of anxiety and frustration.All of them were satisfied with the program since they had gained a deeper understanding of demented patients and the program could change their attitudes toward demented elders.Conclusion: Watching a specially selected movie and participating in VDT may be an effective method for enhancing empathy and caring during nursing student education.
本研究以目前生产上广泛应用的玉米杂交种农大108及其F_(2∶3)和F_(2∶4)家系为材料,在郑州、新郑两地点研究了不同氮处理对玉米籽粒品质和秸秆品质的影响,并对有关基因进行了QTL分析,本研究主要结论如下: 1) 构建了包含189个SSR标记,覆盖玉米10条染色体的遗传连锁图谱,图谱总长度2058.1cM,平均间距为10.9cM。 2) 利用近红外反射光谱(NIRS)定量分析模型测
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本文从大豆质核互作雄性不育系 W931A 的不育性表现和鉴定、败育发生的时期及机理、杂种优势利用的光合生理基础及产量优势的生物学性状等方面进行研究,试图揭示大豆质核互作雄性不育的细胞学和遗传学特性,从而论证质核互作雄性不育在大豆杂种优势利用中的可行性,为大豆遗传育种实践提供科学的理论依据。主要研究结果如下: 1 大豆雄性不育系 W931A 的不育性特征 碘化钾染色实验和花粉发芽率实验均表明大豆雄性