30多年来,泰国电力一直由政府独家经营管理,下设三个部门:1)泰国发电局(EGAF),现有装机容量9,000兆瓦;2)地铁供电局,负责曼谷和周边省份的送电和配电;3)省市供电局,负责除地铁供电局供电范围以外的70个省市输电和配电。 目前,全国拥有装机容量约为12,226兆瓦,其中至少4,447兆瓦为燃油和燃天然气机组,2,860兆瓦为联合循环机组,2,059兆瓦为燃煤机组,228兆瓦为燃气轮机机组。
For more than 30 years, Thai Power has been managed exclusively by the government and consists of three divisions: 1) EGAF, the existing installed capacity of 9,000 MW; 2) Metro Power Supply Bureau, responsible for power transmission in Bangkok and neighboring provinces And power distribution; 3) Provincial and Municipal Power Supply Bureaus, responsible for transmission and distribution of electricity from 70 provinces and cities except the power supply area of the Metro Power Supply Bureau. At present, the country has an installed capacity of approximately 12,226 MW, of which at least 4,447 MW are fuel and natural gas units, 2,860 MW are combined cycle units, 2,059 MW are coal-fired units, and 228 MW are gas turbine units.