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新年伊始,重庆市永川市人武部把学习宣传贯彻《兵役法》作为今年的主要工作抓落实。元月4日,他们及时组织机关干部职工和预备役军校学员传达学习修改后的《兵役法》。并对全市民兵预备役部队如何学习贯彻作了安排部署。 大家认为,修改后的《兵役法》全面、系统、实事求是地对原《兵役法》中规定的兵役制度、义务兵服现役期限、志愿兵服现役制度、预备役 At the beginning of the new year, the Yongchuan Municipal Armed Forces Department of Chongqing Municipality has taken the study, propaganda and implementation of the “Military Service Law” as its main task for this year. On January 4, they promptly organized cadres and reserve cadets to learn about the revised “Military Service Law.” And made arrangements for how the city’s militia reserve forces studied and implemented arrangements. All of us think that the revised “Military Service Law” comprehensively, systematically and in realistically provides the military service system stipulated in the former “Military Service Law,” the active service period for compulsory servicemen, the active duty system for volunteer soldiers, and the reserve service
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