
来源 :中国茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jacobyuanwei
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二、我国茶机行业发展存在的问题1.基础研究薄弱,产品开发急功近利除一些规模较大的茶机企业注重研发外,一般茶机厂研发和设计能力极为薄弱,产品一味仿制,机器种类和型号虽繁多,但大同小异,体现不出特色。往往是一种较新颖的机器出现后,各厂蜂拥仿造,而对所存在的问题尤其是有关制茶质量的难题,很少去研究和解决。同时,一种新产品投产前理应进行一些必要的制茶试验和试运转,然而这一点目前基本上被茶机生产厂家所忽略。一些机器往往是稍有“苗头”或仅是样机,如有客户委托就造,造出后就卖,并且往往夸大宣传,掩盖缺点,急功近利,造成不必要的损失。 Second, China’s tea machine industry development problems 1. Basic research is weak, product development quick success In addition to some large-scale tea machine enterprises focus on research and development, general tea factory R & D and design capability is extremely weak, blindly imitation of the product, although the type of machine and models are numerous, but more or less not reflect the characteristics. Often after a more novel machine appeared, factions flocked to fake imitations, and the problems that existed, especially with regard to the quality of tea, were seldom studied and resolved. At the same time, a new product should be put into operation before making some of the necessary tea-making test and commissioning, but this point is basically ignored by tea machine manufacturers. Some machines are often a little “signs” or just a prototype, if the customer entrusted to create, sell after making it, and often exaggerate propaganda, cover up shortcomings, quick success, resulting in unnecessary losses.
今年,在德马萨天主教中学开学的第一天,我仍像30年前一样上第一天的课,我坐在“雄鹿”查尔斯·E·欧法特博士的课堂 This year, on the first day of school at Demasa Cath
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